Yep, Livin' That Single Life...

Nothing better, huh? Being all single, unhitched and completely non-married? Yeah, gotta love it.

Whoop…hold that thought, back in a few…

Don’t do it! Put that ring down!

Yeah, I know, it’s just a non-stop party.

Whoops…never mind.

Hey, I like it. And that’s one bug zapper in life that I came dangerously close to a couple of times too. It looks so nice from far away. That soft enticing blue light seems so inviting. But sometimes you get lucky and a gust of wind carries you to safety. Other times it occurs to you that anything glowing that brightly must need to eat a lot. Wonder what it eats.

Well, now you’ve gone and done it.

That’s brilliant.

I’m going to have very strange dreams tonight.

Newly single again here myself. Gotta say not waking up every day thinking “whats that crabby ole bitch going to complain about today?” does have its upsides.

Seriously, she would/could complain/get mad at the smallest things. If there wasn’t something major she would make some minor major.

Once we were going out for the day and while I was getting other shit ready she was making sandwiches like she had done a 100 times before over the previous decade (and to be honest the sandwich making was a buttload easier than what I was doing to get ready for the day).

Now given this long history you would have thought by now that she knew without a doubt I liked mustard and onions on my samiches.

But frack it. Lets say she forgot. No biggie right?

But hells no.

I asked her if she put mustard and onions on my samich? She said no. I didn’t throw a fit or give her the stink eye or call her or her mother a cunt.

I just went to the fridge to get some onions and mustard to put on my samich. Didn’t make a big production of it, just doing what needed to be done.

She fucking turned THAT into a fight where I was the bad guy.

Jesus Christ on a cracker.

Who’s the lucky baaaaaabe?

Turn the radio on low, and a couple lamps.

Eat light. Drink (or smoke.)

Think about what was but what you knew couldn’t be. Congratulate yourself for requiring “enough.” The shoe didn’t fit or you would have worn it.

Alone time isn’t empty. It’s flooded with thoughts that will sort themselves out.

Give chaos time to settle. Prepare for the next ride and squee!

Hal, sorry to hear you are have a bumpy romantic life again. Hope it’s all patched up now, if I follow your posts in this thread correctly. You do manage to go from blissfully happy to Splitsville very quickly…I hope everything works out.

PS. I really hate waking up each day saying…no one cares if I’m alive, they won’t even look for my body for a week…single sucks.

Unless I’m way off base here, I’m think a bunch of you have been whooshed. I’m pretty sure Hal got married sometime between post #1 and #4 which means his 18 minute wedding ceremony was almost as short as mine.

Oh, you could be right. Or it could be “we broke up, no wait, we didn’t…never mind.”

Or…based on earlier threads…“She left for the weekend! Oh, wait, I hear her car back in the driveway…darn, trip cancelled”.

Or maybe he stepped away from the keyboard again :slight_smile:

Mazel Tov !!!

I’m pretty sure that USCDiver has it right. I wish Hal and the Newest Briston nothing but happiness.

Now, if anyone wants to start a thread about singledom I would totally hang out in in that.

USCDiver got it in one…yes, I went and got m’self hitched over the weekend! I had better plans for a clearer second post, but I was getting a lot of “put the damn phone away!” from family members.

18 minutes? Hell, that second post was done after the ceremony, after we exited, after my bride and I had a couple of minutes of alone “holy crap, we’re married!” time together, and in the middle of the receiving line. I don’t think the ceremony was more than five minutes (brevity is the soul of me not yelling “fucking well get on with it already!”).

Me, the missus, and The Littlest Briston

Dammit you fool I told you not to do it!

Don’t believe you. :stuck_out_tongue: Scope has been promoting their “bacon mouthwash” stunt for days prior to today; come back and tell us this tomorrow.

Have I taught you nothing?!

But seriously, congrats.

And check yer PMs.