Riker sits down like a crazy person

I found this rather amusing, especially since I never noticed it before.

Why did he do that? Character trait added by Frakes? Afraid to split his pants? I got nothin’, but I do know I’ll be watching for it every time I watch another TNG episode.

He does it that way because he can! He’s Riker, goddamit.

(I never noticed that before, either.)

Is that the Riker maneuver?

Even funnier is that he gets out of his chair the exact same way, except in reverse. I’m pretty sure I’d do a face plant into the desk or table if I tried that.

I never noticed it either, and I think I’ve seen every TNG episode.

That video is just begging for someone to edit in some…sound effects.

Tall guy + short chairs = hilarity.

He’s just so tall that’s how he has to sit

that’s an #alpha quality

Maybe to avoid having to pull out the seat, which might scrape on the floor?

It would be cool if “Thomas” sits down normally.

I’d like to see him try it with a bar stool with a back.

Of course, there are some guys who mount horses like that.

I think his manner of sitting is less crazy than the fact that all the chairs on the Enterprise have such short backs.

That beats the TOS Enterprise where all the chairs where plastic office chairs. I’d hate to be in one of those seats when a disruptor hit.

Yeah, I had noticed that as well.
They certainly have a different concept of ergonomics in the 24th century.

And, I had noticed the ‘Riker Maneuver’ before but only after having a fellow Trekker point it out to me. Perhaps it is to invoke a pioneer spirit as he looks as if he is getting on a saddle. I was going to say ‘mount a horse’ but that just didn’t seem right.

Yeah, but everyone else gets to just scoot in sideways without moving their chair, at least judging by that supercut of scenes. Did the director/producer think it made him look like a young hotshot officer, I wonder?

Awesome. Quick, someone pull up that episode and let us know. :smiley:

I’ve notice how he tends to slouch to the side when sitting but never noticed this until I saw a link to the video.

He also makes duck lips and thrusts his butt out when they fire phasers.

You may not be ready for what he does for photon torpedoes.

I don’t know if it matters, but didn’t he have some back problems?

No, because Worf always had his back…

Looking for “Second Chances” I came across this and had a hearty chuckle.