Outlook 2010 apostrophe problem

Bloody hell, I’m frustrated.

Whenever I type an apostrophe in an email, it either doesn’t show the opening apostrophe, or it doubles it. Like this"", or like this “”. Or like this .

I’ve tried the Microsoft site, and after changing the keyboard settings I was able to sort out Word (and the Dope). But the problem persists in my emails.

Any suggestions (besides defenestrating my computer, which would upset my boss)?

I have it too. Apparently, Outlook seems to think that when I type an apostrophe, I do not want it to appear where I typed it, but rather at the next time I press the space bar.

It is really annoying and I don’t know what to do about it.

I don’t know what this is called but you, particularly Maastricht, may have a setting that is using the ’ key as an accent so if you type 'a you get an á. The computer is waiting to see the next key to see which character you wish accented. If a space is next it gives you a plain '.

I thought this was a global keyboard setting, you have some kind of foreign (from an English viewpoint) setting. For a PC go into Control Panel and make a change in “Region and Language.” YMMD if you’re not running Windows 7.

But if it’s only happening in Outlook, I’m not sure.

I know that if you have the International keyboard layout activated this is exactly how an apostrophe is handled. Just press <’> + <space> to get a plain apostrophe.

For some reason when you change the keyboard layout you are using it does not change the keyboard for Outlook unless Outlook is the active window. No idea why.