Anyone else find sex toys too funny/awkward to be useful?

I swear I’m not doing it on purpose! But practically it is pretty hard to stay in the right mindset when you’re laughing your ass off, or messing around with an awkward toy until you get frustrated and go look can we just fuck?

*(Link to sex toy picture)

Yea not only would I find it hard to stay “in tha zone” putting that on, I can imagine my wife laughing her ass off at it, it looks like Dr Seuss goes R rated or something. How the hell do you even use that?! Do you move your head back and forth like a chicken wiggling your tongue the whole time to simulate thrusting or what?:confused:

And I dunno what the deal is dildo makers, they seem to delight in making their products as funny looking as possible with the neon colors and stuff.

I tried to use one of those vibrating cock rings once, between the bulkiness and hard plastic yea very unerotic device. Not to mention the putting it on etc.

Am I alone here?

A friend decided he and his wife would spice up their sex life and grabbed a few toys. One of them is a massive dildo that he has to put on over his dick. :eek: He said he doesn’t think they’ll ever get to use it, just the sight of the box now induces uncontrollable giggles.

I hate to break it to you grude, but the photo you linked to is not of a sex toy, it’s a kitchen utensil. It’s a hands-free muffin tester: allows you to hold the muffin pan with both hands and check for muffin doneness (poke muffin with probe: dry probe = done; gooey probe = not done). I use mine all the time and my muffins are never gooey.

But, don’t feel bad, we’ve all made similar mistakes. Imagine my embarrassment when, after many failed attempts to satisfy my lady, I learned that this was not a sex toy. After discharge from the ER, we both had a good laugh.

What did they prescribe for the discharge?

Using that properly could well result in a gooey muffin.

Mission Accomplished, no? :slight_smile: But really, any sex toy needs a practice run, there’s too much happening during actual sex.
But to address the OP: any sex toy is better with a practice run.


There’s a fine line between “hmmmm…mmmmmohmmmmohmmmmmOHHHHH” and “Oh HELL no!” :eek:

And I find it’s best not to look at the things until I’m already in the mood. Like penises, they’re pretty ridiculous looking when I’m not using them.


Not sex toys, no. But the entire “leather fetish apparel” thing–that, to me, is nothing short of unintentionally hilarious. ESPECIALLY the gay version of it, with the cute little caps and vests and chaps and all. I wouldn’t able to stop pointing and giggling long enough to engage in any activities.

Lawmonkey, I have no idea where you came up with the notion that leather caps, vests, chaps and pants with cut-out buttocks are gay, or something to giggle about—that’s pretty much my evening attire at social events. (Hint: ladies like the rugged cowboy look. Granted, I haven’t attracted any yet, but I believe that’s because too much manliness may intimidate some women. I may have to tone it down a notch with a scarf or something).

Did I mention that the Hands-Free Muffin Tester is a fun utensil to bring to school and church bake-offs? As you know, kids and old people love to lick the batter off the beater.

If done properly sex toys should be sexy/naughty, not funny. If they are funny it may be because you are nervous about them or just over-think things, which is easy to do.

You are obviously not perverted enough.


My boyfriend and I have a briefcase with a variety of sex toys. Some are your typical dildos in various sizes, some are more naughty and sexy. It’s nice to be able to choose what to use depending on our mood. They all add enjoyment and variety to our sex life. We don’t use them every single time we get together, but I’d say at least 8 out of 10 times. Why just last night I was surfing the web on to see what we could add to our collection. :smiley:

Go to a coed sex toy party (where they’re sold,not used) if you want funny. The last one we attended, some very shy woman was whispering back and forth with her husband. Eventually she said, too loudly, “your ass or my ass?!?!”

It’s hard for a woman to laugh her ass off while her eyes are rolling up into her head in ecstasy . The sensation of being f**ked and licked at the same time is indescribably exquisite*.

*At least according to the woman I’ve used this on!;):cool:

I always wondered what people carry around in briefcases.

Why would you buy a toy that you found ridiculous? Why would you buy a toy that looks too awkward to use?

Advice for sex-toy beginners: If something makes you laugh, DON’T BUY THAT ONE. And try something simple first.

Because many customers, including me, find “realistics” unappealing.

Yep. It works for us; it’s as good (if not better) than a box or plastic container. There’s only one problem with it - when it’s sitting there beside us the top won’t stay open because one of the hinges is faulty. So, I came up with a solution to use a dildo and place it upright on an angle towards the lid to keep it propped open for easy access. Now that, we do find “funny.”
