New Yahoo mail is unspeakably bad

You know, I’ve been here for ten years, and I don’t think I’ve EVER started a pit thread. but this… THIS… (sputters incoherently)

Yahoo SUDDENLY moved to a bizarre and horrible new format. All conversations are now “threaded”-- difficult to keep track of, their format is worse than Gmail’s and makes it take ten times longer to find a specific message, very hard to find any option for changing the subject line. The option to keep message tabs open is now GONE. The interface is crazy clunky. Most people are saying that the address line refuses to autofill, even with all toolbars updated. I could go on and on…

Does Yahoo really not realize just how many other options people have? Nobody NEEDS to stay with them anymore!! But they took it upon themselves to add just that little bit of misery to everyone’s lives. Yet another stupid corporate decision.

I think it’s a lot like Gmail now - I like the threading, and that’s the Gmail default, too. It can be turned off if you hate it. Meh. I kinda dig it’s got the same theme on my phone as on my PC now. The only real gripe I have is the first line on my phone inbox is now an ad, and if I don’t let the inbox load all the way first, I end up tapping the ad instead of my first mail line. That’s annoying.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I used my yahoo mail today and found the new interface to be simple and intuitive. Your inbox automatically tells you how many messages are in a conversation, and clicking one allows you to expand or contract any message you wish. At the bottom of each message is options for replying so you don’t have to scroll all the way back to the top.

They have removed the option to change the subject line of a reply. I assume this is in an effort to keep replied messages together in a conversation under the title of the first subject line.While this does remove a little convenience it is not hard (approximately 2 clicks) to compose a new email and write a new subject line if you need one.

I for one never liked the “tab” system of the old yahoo mail as I found it made the interface very cluttered. I can only read one email at a time anyways. If you’re having trouble keeping track of individual emails, I recommend you use the “folder” option to make specific folders for certain kinds of emails, and you can also use new search bar at the top to easily search your entire inbox.

Sorry if this reads like an advertisement for yahoo, it’s just a pet-peeve of mine when people complain about all the changes made to a website instead of just taking 10 minutes to figure out what’s different. Change is very important for websites, as without it they quickly start to look stale and out of date. I really like when websites try new things as to me, it means that they are interested in finding out what features will be useful to users. Even if this might be a little inconvenient for some people in the short run, it will lead to a better product overall.

Yeah, I really didn’t like it at first, but the multiple message format probably makes more sense.

Still don’t like the new font they use though.

You can go back to something more familiar by clicking the gear setting in the upper right corner, then settings.

In the pop up window, click on ‘viewing mail.’

Under that, at the bottom are two options for ‘mail version.’ Select ‘basic’ and then ‘save.’

I think you might like that better.

You can always go back to the current version by selecting the option that says something like ‘try the new yahoo mail’ when you are in the basic version.

edit: The basic version does have the ability to let you sort by things like sender that the new version doesn’t seem to allow. I tend to switch between them.

I’m getting used to it, and I kinda like it.

What I hate is what Yahoo did to the groups. I help moderate a book group, and I still haven’t figured out how to edit a post from a moderated member before sending it to the group.

Well, maybe you haven’t tried it out all that well yourself. The Folder option sucks now since you can’t see your personalized folders in the normal view, or even tell if there are new emails in them. You have to click on Folders to even see if there are any new emails in there. Also, I liked having the option of keeping two tabs open before, say if I was composing an email based on another received email. Gone now. Why would you assume that the reason someone doesn’t like it is because they haven’t figured out how it works?

Thank you for this actual helpful advice. (No snark)

Huh, I was about to post this same rant to the October mini-rants thread, but now that I think about it, it does really deserve its own pitting.

I get that it can be quite a good idea to see threads. But Yahoo Mail just seems to bugger it up. The worst thing is, both my Inbox and my Sent Mail are now cluttered up with emails TO me AND emails FROM me. That’s just stupid. Plus it means I don’t know where to look to find an old email. My first question, is it from me or to me, no longer has any use in searching old emails.

I miss the tabs.

The whole thing is just too busy now. So much clutter. Somehow even the bold font for unread messages has become MORE bold. How does that even work?

And yes, please show me unread emails in my other folders please. There’s a REASON I set up those folders and the automated sending into each folder.

But thanks deltasigma for explaining the ‘undo all this shit’ procedure. Definitely trying that.

Switched to Basic, am much happier now.

Groups, I actually don’t mind the change, makes it easier to get from one group to another. However, I did hear that it’s now much harder on the moderators, which sucks.

Yahoo stinks. I have a whole bunch of free (to me) different email addresses and access them all using a single POP3 email client. Yahoo will not allow POP3 access unless you pay. Really? They expect people to pay for POP3 address when all other email services do it for free? Do people really pay for this?

Yeah, that sponsored ad shit pisses me off. I get that it’s a free service and they have to pay for it somehow, but having an ad masquerade as incoming mail is one step away from spam. And it’s never anything I have any interest in. But then again, Yahoo is my “I don’t want you to know my real email email address”, so I don’t go there often anyway.

What I don’t understand is why anybody stays with either Yahoo or AOL mail.
My last boss has Yahoo (and I have an old AOHell account)
When you log in how do you find a valid email in the midst of all the spam?
My last boss (male) would get 4-5 custom bra ads a day. I’m talking 40 or so pieces of spam and maybe three actual emails. When I go to my old AOHell account there are pages and pages of spam. I’ll scan the first few pages then give up.
As near as I can tell Yahoo and AOL have the same spam filtering process. A large open door with a sign that says Come on in!

I turned off the new “conversations” feature and am much happier without it. The “Folders” link in the left sidebar was producing a horrible mishmash of overlapping folder names and icons (in the current Safari version), but sometime in the last week they seem to have fixed that (or my preferences file got updated or something? dunno).

What I dislike most about such “upgrades” is the beta-testing feel most of them have; all of a sudden some feature doesn’t work any more, and a few days later it starts working again. Yahoo has apparently been patching in fixes for problems people complain about, but you just never know what to expect.

Yahoo has been my “real” address for over a decade. I just can’t be bothered to change it with all the websites I have it registered with, and all the family I know will lose/never change to the new one, and everything that will get lost in the shuffle.

My spam folder gets plenty of stuff in it, my inbox is nice and clean. No idea what’s different about mine, but my spam filter is very good. I might have been vigilant about marking things as spam at some point, but it was a very long time ago.

Holy shit, it is unbearably painful. After many years of being terrible, Yahoo Mail updated itself with useful things like automatic refresh (which it still has) and tabs, then decided to screw that and basically rip off Google, but make a truly terrible version of it. Plus it’s ugly to look at and the extra folders are tucked away for some reason? I can live with the ugly as sin design and the folder lunacy if I can just get my f-ing tabs back.

Actually, I’ve found a workaround for that. Thanks, internet!
[li]Go to shitty new Yahoo Mail and copy the url.[/li][li]In your settings, change to basic.[/li][li]Paste the url et voila. Back to the old one.[/li][/ol]

It’ll change back to horrid, though, if you close the tab. But since I usually have a mail tab open anyway, this isn’t the worst thing in the world. And I know, people who use Yahoo Mail or Hotmail or whoever are wankers who deserve what they get. Well I’ve had the damn address since, what, 1998? I’ve grown accustomed to it, so eat me.

My Yahoo mail hasn’t changed?

Yahoo in general is terrible, but I’ve had a throwaway yahoo email for years that I check regularly, because I do get some important stuff coming through it. My beef is their terrible spam filter. I get hundreds and hundreds of spam emails per day, most of them automatically being filtered out. But just enough make it through into my inbox to make me suspect that they’re deliberately letting a few through, either as a bonus service to paying advertisers, or just to get me to notice “Hey! I have an email! Better go look at it!” I mean, how many dozens of times do I have to report identical emails as spam before the filter recognizes it as spam?

The thing that drives me mad about it as a librarian is that it’s fucking broken. Half the time it doesn’t work on our computers so I have to show people with very low computer skills to start with how to try an alternate browser.

These stupid tech laments have no business being in the Pit.

And “unspeakably bad?” Really? Yahoo mail is as bad as Auschwitz?