Kung Fury

Get ready for a new world of unspeakable adventures never before shown in a motion picture.

Kung Fury

I don’t think any of that could really happen.

Looks completely stupid and over-the-top violent. It’ll probably make millions, because the American viewing audience is just that stupid.

It’s just a kickstarter project. It hasn’t been made.

My cousin forwarded me the link to it earlier today. It looks so sublimely over-the-top ridiculous that I really hope the whole thing gets made. It looks awesome.

It has viking girls, so I’m interested.

If you like this I hope you’re watching “Axe Cop.”

I’m not sure you’ve picked up on just how over-the-top it’s supposed to be.

Satire, anyone?

Just checking “Axe Cop” out. My, that’s one demented 5-year old. :slight_smile: Love it.

Kids don’t get satire. Hell, most adults don’t get satire.

I suspect that most people who *make *satire, don’t get satire.

Was that a satirical comment? No wait: it was ironic, wasn’t it.

I’d say it’s more of a farce, myself, but, regardless, it’s pretty clearly being over-the-top silly, mixing farce and 80s action movie pastiche. There’s not much to “get” here–it’s being deliberately wild and dumb a la “Hot Tub Time Machine” or even “The Hangover.”

I thought it was pretty straightforward.