SDMB RPG Setup Thread

This is the official setup thread for the SDMB RPG. This thread is for lengthy out-of-character discussions, off-topic conversations, questions about the game mechanics or the (a)historical setting, and the like. In addition, the game is currently full but if you’re reading this and you’re not already playing, feel free to post and I’ll reserve a slot for you as an alternate.

Link to game thread.

Looks great! I have a long day today but will read the thread and post when I get back, around 7:30 Eastern time (USA)

I’d like to reconfirm my status as an alternate.

Have fun! I’ll be spectating until I get called up.

How are we going to handle dice rolls? Can I suggest

It’s a pretty cool site: you make an account and use it to roll dice. After each roll, it generates bbpost code so that you can copy/paste your result directly to the forum.

Sample roll (1d20=20)

Since you use an account, it makes it easy to keep track of rolls - I can’t go and roll six times and pick the best one because anybody can go and look up the roll history for my character. Keeps everybody honest and makes things a little easier for the DM.

So a sample post might look like this:

**Joseph ** awesomely describes how he diplomatizes the heck out of the courier, promising lots of awesome favors.

This is really effective for times when a character just declares that they want to make a particular kind of check - they can roll it and then the DM can arbitrate what happens immediately. I’ve also seen it work well for certain kinds of combat, with the DM giving the players relevant stats of the baddies and letting the players roll a round at a time. Knowing the results right away offers more of a chance for exposition.

Just a thought.

Question about PC’s swapping in and out of the game (for vacations, Acts of God, or even health-related reasons)-when someone else takes up our slot, how do we get back into the game?

You bet!

I’ll be handling all of the dice rolls on my end. That’s why I’ve got copies of your character sheets. I’ll typically get fight instructions from you guys right at the top, then arbitrate a whole round or two, then you can change what you’re doing for the next round or else keep going with the same plan. I have to be able to sit down and arbitrate a whole round of a fight all at once, or else every single player’s turn will end up taking a day, so it can take as much as a week per round of a fight, and that’s if I manage to arbitrate a round every single day. This way, I can arbitrate a three-round fight in just two or three days. Besides that, I like to keep as much as possible behind the DM’s screen, so that you don’t know whether you spotted no goblins because you rolled low on a check or because there were no goblins to be spotted.

If it’s a short amount of time, like a couple of weeks, I’ll play your PC as an NPC. If you need to bow out for a longer amount of time, I’ll let an alternate into the game until such time as you’re ready to come back, and then I’ll pick a good moment like the end of an adventure to make the swap back. If you disappear without any warning at all, I’ll play your character as an NPC for a while, then offer the space to an alternate for good. Sound fair?

Are we equipped with the gear we suggested? Any additions or subtractions? Other than the magic items you already mentioned. Is there a list of the items for sale? Remember I’m new to playing with others :slight_smile: How detailed to we need to be in provisioning?

Works for me, oh wise and munificent DM!

As far as I’m concerned, you’re provisioned with everything you suggested. If there’s something you specifically want right now, you can probably find it (quickly, because I’m about to kick the plot into gear) here at the fair. Rope, or lanterns, or food, or clothing, non-magical weapons, that sort of thing. Magic items will be tough to get that quickly, though, and are probably out of your price range right now anyway.

Oh, yeah, didn’t think to list it, but I assume Harald’s got a standard adventuring/travel kit : gunny sack, a change of clothes, bedroll, rope, fire lighting gear, a few candle ends, fishing line & hooks, rabbit snares, a few basic survival tools (hammer, various knives, maybe a prybar of some description), cleats, a few days worth of travel food (salted meat, hard cheese and harder bread) and some rudimentary bandages. No horse, feets are good 'nuff.

If need be deduct that stuff from my starting 100 gp, which should more than cover the lot.

G0sp3l, here’s a handy price list

I figure Joseph has the standard “petty noble’s adventuring kit,” which more or less Harald’s stuff plus a riding horse, minus the things that cantrips take care of, like lighting fires and so on.

I’ll think of a few adjustments to me gear shortly.

Another question from the newb. Should I take into account info that other players get for instance;

should I be aware of the Doge’s son without a perception check of my own?

Also, does the dm perform a perception check without my knowledge if I’m the target of a pickpocket or do I need to request a formal check?

Thanks Kobal2

Here’s the starting traveling gear I’d like, please add to my inventory. Please gift or deduct the cost from my starting gold as you think proper.

1sp Bedroll 5lbs
5sp Blanket 3lbs
1cp 50ft of twine 1/2lb
6gp 3 Elven Trail Rations 3lbs (provided humans can eat these rations) I’d like my character to limit his meat intake.
25sp 5 Trail Rations 5lbs
3 blocks of soap
1 small tent
1 small mirror
10gp Traveling Spellbook 1lb
8gp Ink
1sp inkpen
2cp 2 chalk
1 small pot
1 backpack (to carry this great lot)

I’ve got a pair of pants, and a chain shirt lent me by the good doctor in case he’s set upon by footpads again.

Probably some sort of shoes, too.

Hey, woah, let’s not get crazy here.

Okay, one shoe.

How detailed do we need to be? I think Giacomo would have a few changes of clothes, and medieval appropriate hygiene supplies, very basic outdoor equipment–a bedroll, something to start a fire with, maybe a canvas wrap in case of rain, but nothing major, he’s a city dweller, and favors roadside inns over roughing it when traveling. some pens and paper too.

The two items I would really like him to have are a set of thief’s tools and 25ft of rope. I think these are things he would have had for a while now.

I’ll do passive perception checks occasionally if there’s something very significant going on, but that reflects your character’s peripheral vision and general awareness. If you want to actively look around, let me know and I’ll run one.

If you’re the victim of a pickpocket attempt, I’ll do all of that behind the scenes for a very particular reason-- I don’t want you to know you’ve had your pocket picked until you reach for your wallet!

How are we doing religion here? Does the Pathfinder pantheon interact with the real world religions here?

Also here is a link to the original thread:

Thanks, that’s the way I’d prefer it. :smiley: