Free 3-D Grapher.

You’ll have to forgive me. I am a little light on the math lingo (it has been quite some time since I took a math class). But about 10 years ago, I downloaded this really nice three-dimensional graphing program off the internet. You enter in the function, and it graphs it for you. It had a lot of other features too. It was really nice–and as I said, it was free, too.

Anyways, I have since gotten another computer. And I didn’t save the old program. But I have to ask, Do any of you know of any really nice 3-D graph programs, for free?

Actually, that isn’t even my greatest dream. What I actually would really like, even more so than this, is a 4-D grapher, with time as the fourth dimension. But since I am looking for something for free, I suppose that would be asking too much.


I don’t know whether it’s the one you’re thinking of, but Winplot can draw both 2-D and 3-D graphs, has a bunch of nice features, and is free.

I still use GraphCalc. It hasn’t been updated in some time, but it still works reasonably well.

I use gnuplot for a lot of stuff. It can be a bit fiddly, but if you put the time into it, you can get some really nice graphs.

Wolfram alpha will do it, for example z=x+y

To fiddle with the graph you do have to have a pro account, though, which does cost $5 a month but as far as I know allows pretty much infinite fiddling.

(Also, I’m not sure how you’d do a 4D grapher unless you mean a grapher that allows you to enter a 4D function and look at arbitrary 3D “slices”).

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