Netflix N8109 Error Code

I started getting this error out of the blue whenever I try to stream a video. It happens in IE, Chrome, and Firefox. Netflix was no help. Evidently it has to do with Silverlight. Suppossedly, reinstalling Silverlight will fix the problem, as Netflix and countless online sources have suggested. I have scoured the internet for another solution with no luck. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried the proposed solution of reinstalling Silverlight?

If not, why not?

I tried it, with no luck. Also, there is a “Fix It” tool Netflix suggested, also with no luck.

I had a Silverlgiht error that was only solved after not only uninstalling, but deleting some temp files.

It’s a different error, but it’s Silverlgiht related, so maybe if you do the steps listed under “Clear your Silverlight temporary files” under your OS it will help.

To where do I send the dozen roses? :slight_smile:

Thank you!