Motherf-ing Spiders! (Probably TMI)

So this weekend I had the pleasure of going up into the mountains with my lovely wife and my two daughters after we won a 2 night stay in a condo in Breckenridge at a silent auction. It was a nice place, not too spectacular, typically ski property with wood block furniture, bad art on the walls and a cupboard full of VHS tapes like Independence Day and Sixteen Candles. It was a nice weekend, filled with hiking, eating good if overpriced food, some lounging in hot tubs, and even a stop at the Bacon Festival in Keystone, Colorado (mmmmmmm, bacon).

Anyway, none of that was the problem. The problem was the motherfucking spiders. Or I assume they were spiders. I don’t really know what the fuck it, or they were, but I am going to kill ever mother fucking creature with eight legs I see for the next year. In fact, fuck it, everything with 6 or more legs is dead if I see it anywhere near me.

It is only just. You see on Friday night when I was sleeping something bit me. Several times. I have these huge welts that itch like a motherfucker. Huge. Like dollar coin size. And really itchy, almost burning.

I have one on my left cheek. Not that cheek, the other cheek. My left butt cheek.

I have two more in the crack of my ass. :frowning: That is fucking right. In my ass crack some fucking creature, whose species may soon be extinct if I have anything to say about it, decided to bite or sting me not once, but twice.

It wasn’t done though. It decided to move around to my front! :eek: I have two more bites, both right where my upper thigh and pelvis meet. Huge fucking welts that itch worse than anything you have ever felt. But even then it was not finished. It… It… OMG, I can barely talk about it. It…

[spoiler]It fucking bit me on the scrotum. Twice. It itches soooooo bad I can barely stand it. I have been almost uncontrollably been scratching my junk today. In public.

I don’t even play baseball.

You know, I have told creature that piss me off to bite my ass, but I will never do it again. I have even told things that really pissed me of to bite my hairy ballsack, but, welll… that is why I am here in the pit. I will never ever say anything like this again! Never. Instead,[/spoiler] I am going to kill every fucking insect I see for the next year at least. I don’t care who I have to bribe, but I am going to get so much DDT that I am going to kill the assholes by drowning them. Fuckers. Fucking dead!

And, before anybody asks, no I don’t think it was bedbugs. It is more like a wasp sting than anything else. My wife, who was sleeping beside me all night long, has attested that she has not been bitten anywhere. She does this between muttering “oooh poor baby” and paroxysms of laughter. Fucking spiders suck. :mad:

(sorry, couldn’t help it)
Benadryl stick. Only place I know for sure that carries them is Walmart. But they’re the very best thing for topical itchy bites. Really. That, and soak your ass in an oatmeal bath or epsom salt bath.

You sure it wasn’t ticks?

You may want to check if there are any outbreaks of Lyme disease (or other tick-vectored ailments) going around in the area you visited.

Arnica gel might give you some relief for the itching, and I heartily support your war on arachnids.

The vast majority of things that people think are spider bites, are not spider bites. Actual spider bites are very rare. I do not doubt that something (or things) bit you, but it wasn’t a spider. It was probably some sort of insect (which, of course, spiders eat).

Sucks, I hate bug bites, but seriously it probably wasn’t spiders. I wouldn’t rule out bedbugs, fleas, or chiggers. Some people have bad reactions to 'em.

This! Let your spiders do the work for you.

Probably bed bugs.

Either way, I support his plan of killing anything with 6 or more legs.

Welcome Brother to the Holy War! GOD has mandated that we kill all spiders! And if some 6 legged buggers get smashed too, well that’s ok.

Man I hate spiders.

Best username/spoiler tag EVER.

Does your wife bite her nails? If she wears them long, ask her to scratch for you.

So your Happy Fun Ball (sack) is not so happy anymore?


Ya know, if you get bit by the right spider, it’s AWESOME!
in your underwear? Maybe what bit you wasn’t spiders, but CRABS! :eek:
or bedbugs like others have already suggested.

I was bitten on, umm, the worst possible part by an ant once. I now kill every ant I see, if I can get to them. Well, the ones I see inside, anyway.

Pics or it didn’t hap…errrr, know what? Never mind – I’ll take your word for it.

You think it’s bad now - just wait until the eggs hatch and the larvae start making their way out! :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue:

Otherwise: Nukes. Orbit. Entire site. You know the process.

I just pm’d you. :wink:

I am thinking of going with Itchy Sad Sack. What say you?

The description sounds just like bedbugs to me - I encountered them in Italy, and it was not fun.