Angel teleportation traffic cam video saving a guy?

dewhicular - “It was a promo for a movie overseas.”
tariq Ramadan - “It was later explained…it’s promotion for a Japanese video game…some superhero dragon lady character”

BTW when the weird stuff is happening the timestamp has some kind of Asian characters over some of the numbers.

Could someone provide a link to the original video if it is just a fake promotional video? My sister is convinced it involves a real angel.

Here you go. Via Hoax Slayer.

Since when did traffic departments use high definition cameras recording in 1080p?


And since when are angels real? Or are we just ignoring that part?

Dunno. Our government CCTV system is HD 1080p but only at 30fps. Generates a honking HUGE amount of data. The system is used for traffic monitoring in addition to crime deterrence.

Looks great up on the wall with a 42"or 50"monitor. Looks crisp.

It really is taking longer than we thought…

Before you can answer the question ‘Was it an angel?’, you first have to ask the question ‘did it actually happen?’. If the answer to the second question is ‘no’, then there is no point to asking the first question. So, yes, we’re ignoring that part. Rightly so.

No, you really don’t.

Besides, everyone knows angels don’t show up on camera.

Or wear hoodies.

And yet, slap a hoodie on an angel spreading his arms, and bam! instant album cover.

How does “Was it an angel?” matter, if the answer to “Did it really happen?” is “No”?

If we know angels don’t exist, any claim of what they did or did not do is irrelevant to the question their existence.
So the answer to “Did an angel do this?” is no, regardless if the event happened or not.

Guys, you’re being ridiculous. Angels clearly do exist. I saw it on YouTube.

Maybe it was some just some passerby named Angel.

Actually, the pertinent question is: How come angels are always assumed to act benevolent toward humans?

In Bible stories, angels appear primarily to cause chaos, destruction and judgment. Things like laying waste to entire cities, slaying the firstborn children, impregnating virgins, or convincing an old man to sacrifice his child to God. (Yeah yeah, so the same angel told the old man not to do it at the last minute…I guess God was merely fucking with his mind.)

Better Angel than Angelus.

…as for science vs. religion, I’m issuing a restraining order. Religion must stay 500 feet away from science at all times.

Feel free to notify your sister that real angels do not exist.

But fake ones do.