Some questions about those silly Bohemians!

Okay, saw Moulin Rouge (loved it, but that’s a different thread) and it takes place in Bohemian Paris. A few questions:

  1. How did it start? I found a few websites, but they were pretty vague.

  2. How much of an impact did it have on the world?

  3. What did they believe in? Thruth, beauty, love, and some other stuff, right?

  4. How can I dress Bohemian?

Hmm, almost considering a lifestyle change…

By the 1860’s in the US, the term “Bohemian” was used to describe a newspaperman or journalist, mainly in a “free-spirit,vagabond” type of way.

Thruth, beauty, love…

Yep, thruth is an indispensible part of my life, right up there with programming in LISP.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

(Now there’ll be people saying that my intelligence is artificial.)


Keep in mind that Bohemia is one of the two regions that comprise the present-day Czech Republic (Moravia is the other). Why the French hippies adopted their monicker is the question you want to ask, I think.

I think it comes from the way they threw the Austrian ambassadors out the window and into a dung heap.

Those Bohemians - they knew how to party!

Regarding Bohemian, from Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable:


Also note the entry for Bohême (La)

I defenestrate, therefore I am.


Thanks, tomndebb - I always wondered why French artsy-dropouts aquired the name of a central European Slavic kingdom.

Any help in how & when French thugs came by the name “Apache?”