Egyptian Pryamid Schemes

Has anyone else seen the TLC (and other) specials on the Egyptian Pryamid (the Largest one, can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head) that has the “Air Vent” that leads to a closed ‘door’. I was wondering if anyone knew if they had opened that door yet… I saw something on PAX where they’ve supposedly known about it for 10 years now, and still havn’t opened it… And more importantly… What’s behind it???

There’s probably nothing behind them since they point the way to certain stars to guide the souls to the afterlife. But other then that guess I don’t know. I know the group ran out of cash that was doing those experiments and they said they were coming back next year, but they never showed it, which would have been 98 or so. Obviously they either did not come back, or did and found nothing important behind it. If they didn’t come back it must have been because they weren’t able to convince anybody that it was worth the difficulty to get behind those doors. Especially since the first part was so … boring. I don’t think they found anything except dirt and walls. Or was there a tool? Either way I want to know too.

Hmm, was that just a long was of saying ‘I don’t know.’ yup.

That’s the webpage of Rudolf Gantenbrink, the guy who found the ‘door’ and who wants to open it with a little robot probe thingy. It looks like his webpage hasn’t been updated for a while, but that could just be because no progress has been made with the whole ‘door’ thing.

And I know I’m risking a pelting with rotten tomatoes for citing Robert Bauval on a page dedicated to fighting ignorance, but what can you do? Anyway, his book “Secret Chamber” goes into exactly this issue (and much more - masonic conspiracies and the edgar cayce foundation abound). So go read some of that if you’re interested, and if you don’t mind wading through a lot of probable crap.

I got here first so I am proud to be the one that informs you that what is behind the door is that treasure Horaldo Rivera was looking for.

You mean Geraldo Rivera right?