Can't Hear Well in Right Ear Due to Water Going In Ear?

Few days ago when i was washing my hair, i believe i got lot of water go inside my ear. Yes i had the cotton ball in my ears but water still went in. I didn’t notice it that day but the day after that i noticed that my hearing on my right ear… i can’t hear as well as my left ear. At first i didnt know why this was happening until i figured it must have been the water that went inside my ear.
I also used the cotton swab and got lot of wax out of my right ear. However its still painful and i can’t hear well with it. Basically when i hear something now, left ear hears 100 percent fine. On the right ear… its like 40 percent and it also hurts as well.
Is this something that is pretty serious? I had waited just few day and its still like this. Now im not even sure if its 100 percent the water that went inside my ear. And if water did went in my eye, most likely bit of shampoo went in as well.

Do you always put cotton balls in your ear to wash your hair? I’ve never heard of someone doing that. I just blot the water out of my ear after the shower, using a square of toilet paper.

I doubt water in your ear is the problem. More likely, either you’ve squished wax deeper in your ear, or you’ve still got some cotton stuck in your ear. Or maybe an ear infection. You probably should see a doctor, or at least have someone look in your ear and see if they can see any obvious problem.


Medical advice is best suited to IMHO.

General Questions Moderator

If you got wax out with Q-Tip you likely pushed remaining wax closer to eardrum… Use q-tips with caution. I have solved this issue with two days of Debrox followed by 10 minutes of water flushing with syringe that comes in Debrox kit. As mentioned, a doctor visit can sometimes be warranted. She can also flush out in one visit.

Getting water in your ear is a real thing, and it will mess with your hearing a bit. It’s called “swimmer’s ear.” But it will come out if you just tilt your head long enough.

Also, a good thing for getting earwax out is a bobby pin. Getting wet cotton out is a bigger pain.

If you’re going to block your ears for washing your hair, I recommend earplugs, not cotton. Cotton will not keep water out.

Am i suppose to tilt to the left or right if its my right ear?


That sounds very dicey to me, in an ear-drum puncturing sort of way. My doctor just recommends plain old hydrogen peroxide to break up the wax and flush it out.

Yeah, that. Wincing along with you. Don’t stick anything in your ear that’s smaller than your elbow! :wink:

If possible, I’d recommend a visit to your local Urgent Care to have your ear checked out. If it’s just impacted wax, they can flush it out and make sure your ear is not infected.

I have used the below to help when I’ve had water in the ear behind a piece of wax. I lived in Florida for 30 years and swam a lot.

  1. If needed, pull or clip hair back.
  1. ) Get a hair dryer. set it on low speed. Tilt your head so the affected ear is parallel to the floor. Hold dryer about 4" below ear. Pull ear open and let dryer air flow into ear. This helps dry the water.
    ****NOTE: IF EAR FEELS HOT, STOP. ****

3.) After the ear is dry, put a couple of drops of olive (or canola or other cooking) oil in the ear. This helps loosen any wax or debris.

4.) Wait a few hours. Go buy a bulb syringe if you don’t own one.

5.) Fill large coffee cup with warm (not hot) water and use syringe on the affected ear. The best way is to stand over the sink, affected ear tilted parallel to the sink. You will want to pull the ear up and back toward your head to get the water in and let it flow back out. You’ll do some interesting contortions and probably get water all over. Don’t worry about it.

6.) When the crap comes out, you’ll feel it.

7.) No more pushing earbuds into your ear! If you must protect your ear from water, put a little oil or petroleum jelly on a cotton ball and place in ear canal. Better seal that way.

You can “dry” your ear canal using the hair dryer method above. It’s much less likely to cause problems with swimmers ear. Just don’t let it get hot.

Cotton balls to keep water out :confused::confused::confused: Huh?

OK, anyway, if water is in your right ear (as an example) tilt your head to the right. Meaning point that ear towards the ground. Then gently tap the right side of your head with your palm above your right ear.

I use regular isopropyl alcohol. Put a little in the cap, tilt my head, let a few drops in. Wait a few seconds. Straighten up and dab with a tissue. Repeat on other side. Very quick, effective and safe. The alcohol will also knock down some of the bacteria that came in with the water. (But I doubt it does much if you already have something started.)

Take that, surface tension!

[li]Stand up straight.[/li][li]Lean your head to the side of the ear the water is in.[/li][li]Raise your opposite leg and shake it.[/li][/ol]
Assuming you have water in your right ear:
[li]Stand up straight.[/li][li]Lean your head to the right.[/li][li]Raise your left leg and shake it.[/li][/ol]

Which ever way puts the hole of the effected ear down.

You forgot step 4 there:
Fall over

(well, that’s what I’d do if I did step 3).

But more seriously, yes, tilt the head to that side; as at least one other poster said, tugging on the ear (up/back, as if toward the crown of the head) might contort the ear canal enough to let things drip out.

A drop or two of alcohol seems unlikely to do much harm, but if that doesn’t solve it I’d suggest going to an urgent care place.

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones…

No leg to stand on, eh?


I’ve had water deep in my ear before and I know how much it hurts. Do NOT use a Q-tip. My ear doctor told me about the blow dryer trick. He also said to pinch your nose shut and close your mouth. Then blow air hard enough in your ears until you hear it pop. Also, lean your head with the plugged up ear aiming at the floor and try to shake the water out by jerking your head down several times while you stretch out the opening of the ear. Pull on the ear lobe, then all around the ear in other spots to change the angle of the ear canal. the water may flow out then.
I advise against adding any other liquid into your ear. if your ear is still painful after a few days, go to an ear/nose/throat specialist.