Dropping an aesthetic deuce on the Rose Bowl; Oregon's uniforms.

Mrs. Slow Moving Vehicle and I are watching the Rose Bowl. We’re of course pulling for Florida State, since Mrs. SMV is an alum; but we would anyway, just in sheer protest of the hideous visual punch in the testicles that Oregon has been inflicting on the nation since they entered into their devil’s deal with Nike.

Seriously, what color-blind art school dropout designer at Nike decided that this is a good look? Or this? Or, Jeebus save us, *[URL=“http://static.nfl.com/static/content/public/image/getty/2009/09000d5d812f3258_gallery_600.jpg”]this*? Did some halfwit at catch a rare case of Bolivian Fluorescent Phlegm Flu, and decide out of pique to design a uniform based on snot and bile? Oregon has been inflicting this aesthetic assault on college football fans for years, ever since they got in to bed with Nike, who already had a reputation for human rights abuses. Gangbanger taggers who graffiti subway cars think those unis are in bad taste. What idiot thought a football uniform should look like a papaya smashed into a garbageman? Someone needs to sneak into the bedroom of Nike’s chief clothing designer and tattoo “Lime green only looks good on a lime” onto his or her forehead.

This seems to be a northwestern thing; the Seattle Seahawks have defaced their classic sea-green, sea-blue, metallic silver uniforms with that terrible lime green. And of course, Oregon’s neighbor Idaho is the home of the visual affliction of Boise State’s appalling blue field.

Really, the whole northwest needs to be told that they are not permitted to participate in football until they can demonstrate that they have learned how to dress themselves.

I said to my husband that they look like pixilated image off a mid 1990s video game.


Oregon is notorious for wearing bizarre uniforms. I don’t think they wear the same uniforms twice.

They’ve even worn pink.

I’m not an Oregon fan, but I’m fine with their uniforms.

Yeah, but that was for a breast cancer thing. A lot of sports teams do the pink breast cancer thing.

My hometown is relatively close to Eugene, and most of the locals are huge Duck fans. The fluorescent lime-and-yellow coloration that UofO uses is highly offensive (the whole school uses those colors), but as an advertising strategy it works wonders. Their colors are so god-awful that one cannot help but notice them, so when one walks into the local Wal-Mart or Safeway, seeing a bunch of lime green t-shirts and sweaters with day-glo yellow “O”'s on them is impossible to miss.

I have no love for UofO, and this overt commercialization of their football program is one big part. Their uniforms are part of the brainwashing technique.

I noticed that your location is the Pacific Northwest. Clearly, you too suffer from Northwestern Taste Decay Syndrome.

I’m a professional artist, and work with color every day. I have no complaint against the uniforms. They seem to be entirely appropriate for their purpose.

Well, of course, YMMV, de gustibus non disputantum est, *à chacun son goût *, and all that.

But you’re wrong.

It doesn’t appear Oregon is wearing any of those uniforms in the today’s Rose Bowl game. Looks more like this one, which is pretty normal.

Those wings are fucking awesome! What’s the problem here? Do you buy your clothes at Sears or something? A little flash giving you a tummy ache?

I’m a die-hard Seahawks fan and have no problem with the colors. My own home currently sports spots of lime green.

Besides, it’s how the teams play that matters. My condolences to your wife.

You never know with personal tastes, but, of all the images in this thread so far, that’s actually my favorite.

If Oregon had normal uniforms, these would be just…meh. Given Oregon’s history, what they’re wearing in this game counts as downright stylish. Lime green and fluorescent yellow are still horrible, nevertheless.

Get the hell off my lawn, you whippersnapper!

No kidding. This was an old-fashioned beatdown. The fact that it was at the hands of a team that dresses like a seventeen-year-old at a rave just makes it extra bitter. Oregon is good, there is absolutely no doubt about that. I do think they will fall to Bama, but it would be no surprise at all if the Ducks were hoisting the crystal football at the end of the season.

And the Seahawks ruined a classic and attractive uniform with this sartorial insult.

I don’t care what a team wears–I wouldn’t even care if their 350-pound linemen played naked–I’ll still cheer for ANYBODY over FSU. Oregon really put the smack down, 59-20!

I think the shade of Oregon’s uniforms was fine, the real culprit is that they wore the same color head-to-toe. I really feel the NCAA and NFL should outlaw football uniforms that have same color jersey and pants, with an exception for teams which only wear white pants to be allowed to wear white-on-white as an away getup (such as the Colts).

The Arizona/Boise State matchup was far worse… something about the bright reds and bright oranges just really stood out, in a bad way.

You mean fall to Ohio State! :eek: That was an upset!

you should write for Gawker.

I went to the University of Maryland who get criticized for their constantly changing and sometimes obnoxious uniforms. I happen to like them. The CEO of Under Armour is a former Maryland football player and the company has strong ties to the team.

First of all, the new Seahawks uniforms are a huge improvement to the old ones, so let’s just stop that idea right there.

Second, the Oregon getups can be hit or miss, but I tip my hat to the creativity. The real insult to humanity is the Steelers’ bumblebee throwback costumes. That is a fashion felony.