Who has better hair? Donald Trump or Kim Jong Un?

Pretty simple question. Here are examplars: Lil Kim, The Donald.

Bonus question: if you had to have one, would it be Trump’s hair or Kim’s eyebrows?

Trump’s hair is better because it can be taken off.

I dunno, Donald’s hair may have been riveted on years ago. I’d love to see someone run up to him at a press onference and try to snatch his hair away. For all I know, it might even be electrified.

It’s a trick question. The correct answer is Don King.

Sorry, but thanks for trying the game. Mr. King may have better hair than both, but the question isn’t “Who has the BEST hair?” We’re talking world leaders here (or at least self-styled ones).

I can’t even look at Donnie’s hair without getting annoyed. At least Kim can angle for some sort of hipster cred?

This could be the first poll ever taken in America where Lil Kin wins!

Kim’s hairstyle is ridiculous, but his hair is competently barbered. The Donald is ridiculous all the way around–a bad style (or maybe no style at all), badly executed. So Kim wins.

I think Kim’s hair is better, but Trump deserves some kind of recognition for doing the most with those five hairs on the back of his head that he swirls up, over, around and back!

I don’t see how this is even a contest. Kim Jong Un invented hair when he was just 7.

In another thread someone claimed Donald’s hair was better. This is something I cannot abide.

Trump looks like an orangutan’s asshole. Kim just looks like an asshole. Kim wins.

I can’t choose but Kim’s ‘micro peacock’ hair always makes me think he’s an extremely minor bureaucrat from the Centauri Republic

I have to give this one to the Un. The thing with Trump’s hair is that it cannot be removed. It’s a combover. Which means the “bangs” he has are actually from the back of his head and when the wind catches it, it does this when his hairspray is wearing off.

In contrast, take Sir Elton John and every wig he’s sported since what, 1980? The realistic ones, anyway. And Ted Danson’s hairpieces are darned good, too.

If Trump could have gotten around his stupid ego years ago, and actually listened when whatever stylist he fired for telling him to get a piece did so (and be assured he’s been told), it wouldn’t be such a huge damn joke now.

If we’re going to covet someone’s eyebrows, it would have to be Andy Rooney or Leonid Brezhnev.

I myself have a Rooneybrow.

Brezhnev was a werewolf, and it takes a while for that shit to wear off.

There’s Something About Kim

The only proper response to this question is a cage match to the death between the two of them.

Whoever wins, we all win.

As long as one is still alive, we all lose.

There can be only none!