What does "in dome" mean?

In this HuffPost story is this line: “In the lead up to that summit we are planning events and a caravan to directly raise these questions in dome of the countries most damaged by the drug war”. Is “in dome” a typo? Never seen the phrase before.

It’s got to be “in some of the countries”. I’ve never heard “in dome” before.

I think you’re right :smack::smack::smack:

Hey, it passed the spell checker; what more do you want?

If one of the countries was Vatican City, it could be in dome. :slight_smile:

And the s key is right next to d.

Even so called quality newspapers are full of typos these days.

Deeply ironic OP name…

(NSFW language)

Hey, when in dome.

Huh? :confused:

Hmm. Don’t know about “deeply” ironic. The only thing I see is that you asked a question about domething that, as you surmised, was a typo. Your username could also be construed as being a typo for “Son of a Bi(t)ch”. Laughter ensues.

Do as the Domans do?

First thing I thought of also. Clearly a typo- the sentence reads right if it’s “in some”.

Romanes eunt domus!

People called the Romans they go the Dome?

But that’s an order!

Is the head Doman called the Domain?

How many Domans?

Plural, plural!

All of them, all of them!