Screws that only turn one way......why?

I’ve always wondered what the purpose is of screws that are designed to be screwed in, but they have the opposing direction tapered off so that they cannot be unscrewed (or at least not with a standard screwdriver). I’ve seen them used most often in the construction of public bathroom stalls.

Why are these necessary? Was there a plague at one time of people who were surreptitiously deconstructing bathroom stalls, and inventing screws that could only be used in one direction was the only solution?

Contractors? Anyone? Does the use of this type of screw meet some elusive bathroom construction building code?

Why do they use security screws on public rest room stall partitions?

I heard people used to take all the screws out then slide out from underneath the wall. Then whenever a person would open the door it would all come down. Sounds like an urban legend but you never know.

I have similar screws on the bolt lock on my front door. When I asked my friend the “do-it-yourself” guy “Why would they do that?” his answer was “so that when someone breaks a window to get into your house they can’t remove the lock and walk out the door carrying your stuff.”

In prison they are used extensivly to stop naughty little finger getting into those places where unauthorised little fingers should not go.

Another WAG.
Male toilets in this country at least often have the common walls sheeted in stainless steel because of a problem with perverts cutting holes in them to stick, ummm, appendages through. Several local councils have actually trialed removal of toilet doors altogether to discourage similar George Michael-esque activity. Is it possible this is designed to discourage the same type of individuals from giving themselves more ‘room to play’?


The difference between George Michael and a Microwave oven?; the microwave stops when you open the door.

My license plates were stolen last month (I live in Miami) and I got those for my new plates. Make 'em work harder next time. Theft Resistant Screws.

Sex is natural
Sex is fun
Sex is best when it’s one al one.

Al one? Oh sorry, that’s alone.

Is the reference to George Michael in reference to something specific he did, or is it just because he’s gay? Like, was he caught somewhere doing something bad in public?

Something specific.

I used to work as a “ranger” for an extensive county park.
Some of EVERYTHING would be unscrewed, pried lose, and blasted out and stolen every year. Whole toilets and sinks were probably sold, but most things like under-sink drains and toilet paper dispensers were found somewhere else in the park, where they had obviously been used for target practice.

Actually, you CAN remove those one way screws. It just takes a little patience.

“George Michael-esque activity” LOL good one. :smiley: