An idea for peace in the Jerusalem/Isreal

No Jews or Muslims are allowed to live there as permanent citizens. Any Jew or Muslim is allowed to visit there as a religious tourist any time they want. No police or military forces are allowed to operate that is either Jewish or Muslim. All police and military is run by the UN or some similar organization. If they will not stop fighting over who can occupy that piece of land it seems to be the only reasonable solution that neither can occupy it.

So Christian Arabs have free run of the place?

This isn’t a Jew -vs - Muslim issue.

An ‘international city’ administered by the UN was the original plan for Jerusalem. What do you plan to do, though, about the ~one million people who already reside there, and the billions of dollars of residential buildings and land? Would that be a acceptable writeoff to solve the issue?

No Christians either. Turn the place into a place for religious tourism, like Disneyland or Yellowstone, but religious in nature. Donate all money raised to religious charities. NO permanent settlements allowed except for people to work in restaurants hotels and tourist shops etc.

I’m not sure what to do with all of the buildings… perhaps let refugees from international tragedies live there or turn them into orphanages.

As far as relocating a million people, yes, go right ahead. People relocate after a nuclear reactor blows up. People are forced to relocate for a variety of reasons. I fail to see why you think that matters.

So… your plan for peace in the Middle East is a grand eviction of Jews from Jerusalem, to be followed by a Christian takeover ? Yeah, that’d go over swell and peace-like, I’m sure :slight_smile:

ETA : ninja’d

I don’t really care how the people currently living there feel about it.

Well then I see no way for this plan to fail.

It wouldn’t be the first time all the Jews in a city were rounded up and shipped elsewhere because they were considered troublemakers. So it’s tried and tested, you know.

And therein lies the hidden genius of this scheme ! Arabs already hate the West and the UN. If you can get the Jews to start hating them just as viscerally, they might peaceably set aside their differences and team up for good ! To fight us !
OK, look, it’s a work in progress.

So why shouldn’t Israel just relocate all of the Palestinians out of Jerusalem and the West Bank? That’ll solve the problem, too.

But they can both visit any time they want. My plan does require that both parties act in a more mature manner. That does not make it a bad plan.

Basically, you intend to deport the entire population of Jerusalem and turn the place into a commercial tourist theme park containing restaurants, hotels, shops, orphanages and possibly refugee camps for displaced by other international tragedies but not, oddly enough, by this one. And you don’t care what the citizens feel about it.

What could possibly go wrong? After all, population displacement has been a resounding success in the region already, leading to no lingering resentments or disputes.

Yes, except for the part about refugee camps and orphanages. Better to just take a bulldozer to any building that is not at least 1000 years old.

They are already angry. Neither side is willing to make concessions. So pointing out that my plan will make them angry doesn’t really do much to change my mind.

You do realize that, in the space of two posts, you’ve stated both that your plan (and I use the word to its breaking point) would hinge on people of both sides to act in a mature, rational manner ; while at the same time fully acknowledging it would make a very large number of people very angry. Which they already are, which is why they don’t act in a rational manner.

Can you spot the tiny flaw yet ?

Displacing people always ends well.

Two groups, the Reds and the Blues, are fighting over the sovereign state Purplelandia. It is a conflict that is thousands of years old. Neither side can agree to concessions. Both sides are ALREADY upset. What serves the interest of world peace, declaring that neither the Reds nor the Blues can inhabit Purplelandia or allowing them to continue a fight that has no possible resolution?

I am aware of this fact. Allowing them to live side by side has not ended well either.

The problem is there are groups who believe they should be allowed to control Jerusalem. Pick one group and give them control and all of the other groups will be dissatisfied with the situation and have a cause for fighting. Don’t pick any group and don’t give any of them control and all of the groups will be dissatisfied with the situation and have a cause for fighting.

Did you read my analogy (is it an analogy?) about the Reds and the Blues and Purplelandia? I already realize that both the Reds and the Blues will be unhappy. What I fail to understand is why this matters to anyone that is not a Red or Blue. Their petty arguments that are thousands of years old are really not my concern.

I’m still not clear why you haven’t.