Elizabeth II surpassing Victoria

Fight a bout of insomnia in the small hours this morning, I suddenly and for no apparent reason started to wonder, when will Queen Elizabeth pass up Victoria as the longest serving British monarch? I punched the question into my phone and got a somewhat surprising answer: next Wednesday, September 9. Wow, that’s a weird coincidence! Well, hang in there Libby … eight more days till you’ve got the record. You’ll be famous!

With improvements in medicine, I would expect each generation to be more long lived than the previous.

Perhaps, but not necessarily relevant to the issue of length of the reign. What are the chances, for example, that Charles’ reign will be longer than Elizabeth’s?

None, unless he becomes the oldest living person ever.

I feel sorry for ol’ Chuck. Poor guy can hold one and only one job, and the position never opens!

Or, only opens with the death of his mum. :frowning:

I’ve mentioned this before, but I foresee the opportunity for a huge social faux pas after her death. Everybody has been singing the anthem one way for 60+ years, and habits are hard to break. The first time someone sings “God save the queen” in front of Charles it might be a bit embarrassing.

“I’m still writing ‘Elizabeth’ on my cheques…”
It’s a good thing “Rex” and “Regina” both start with R. No need to change all those monogrammed things.

Same with H. Otherwise have to throw all those perfectly good ships away.

I seem to recall an interviewer once asked him something like whether he was “looking forward” to someday taking up the throne. His reply was withering: “You’re talking about the prospect of the death of my mother.”

Probably a well-rehearsed reply but still… ouch!

Wonder if he ever has evil thoughts about The Nepal Solution?

I have to be honest, I’m not looking forward to the death of my mother, but the alternative* is somewhat less appealing.

*excepting immortality, of course.

I like this guy.

No offense, Brits, but I’m not sure why you guys don’t get rid of these overpaid, inbred Germans. Lizzy seems nice enough but Charlie is kind of an idiot. As an American I find it bad enough to realize that yet another Bush and Clinton are trying to bag the presidency but at least they need to get our approval first.

Is this a one-drop-of-blood sort of thing for you? Would you use the same language for, say, second, third or fourth generation Americans - who entirely identify as American - but who have some ancestors from somewhere else?

That’s certainly the usual way that the monarchy changes hands, but it’s not certain. His mum could, as I understand it, abdicate.

Has that ever happened without a major scandal to precipitate it? The only abdication I’m aware of is Edward VIII to marry Wallis Simpson. Certainly Liz 2 seems to take the whole noblesse oblige thing pretty seriously, and you don’t get this close to the record and throw in the towel. But if she just decided she’d been queen long enough and wanted to give Chuck the keys to the kingdom while he was young enough to enjoy it, is there any precedent for that sort of thing?

They have had things well in hand since Charles II and the Restoration.

Even if it were a genetic argument, it’s a non-starter. The English originally came from Germany (and nearby areas on the Continent). Any logic that makes Elizabeth German makes all the English Germans.

I believe the German connection comes from Victoria’s Husband, Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. There may be Germans in other woodpiles as well.

Eh I believe it’s more the whole marrying the cousins thing and the cousins were a lot of Germans. I believe Elizabeth and Philip are second cousins. Her parents weren’t cousins but Queen Mary, Princess of Teck and George V were also second cousins.

I’m still not sure why the Brits don’t kick them to the curb. As an American I am rather delighted I don’t have to pay for these undereducated twits or let them have a say in my government.

Why believe when you can look it up? (Scroll down to ancestry and click “show”). Queen Victoria’s great-great-grandparents were all German nobility, and of course George II. A lot of them have non-German ancestry, but it’s a fair cop to call her mother a German, at least, and to call Victoria culturally German, at least in part.