Headline: "Scientists Design Killer Robot ..."

“…To Protect Celebrated Reef”
I don’t care how good their intentions, things can’t be good if scientists are inventing a Killer Robot. We’ve all seen this movie, or read this story*
Anyway, like the Road to Hell, it springs from the best of intentions:

But these ominous closing words recall lines from Sheckley’s story:

The closing lines of Sheckley’s Watchbird:


*It’s told in Robert Sheckley’s Watchbird, for one. The story was very ineptly turned into an episode of the show Masters of Science Fiction, but they didn’t broadcast this episode on US TV during its initial run. They must’ve realized how they screwed it up.

It’s Australia. They just need to install a killer robot-proof fence.

Note to self:
Leave COTS costume at home during next GBR dive trip…

It’s very impressive that it can identify that species of starfish among all the clutter of a reef, that is no easy task, from a moderate distance not even for a human.

Yeah, and they said the T-1000 was a Helluva piece of engineering, too. With all that LiquidMetal[sup]TM[/sup] technology, and being able to pick out humans among all that rubble.

It’s Australia. Is anyone going to even notice it? Is there anything in the region that’s NOT a murderbot?

The fact that this is how they’ve been dealing with this in the first place makes me wonder. Like when we were removing wild animals to prevent desertification, and then found out we were making things worse.

From the article, it sounds like they’ve studied the COTS a little bit, and they know that a modest population of them is actually beneficial for reef diversity. I think the intent is to get the population down to that beneficial level rather than striving for complete elimination.

This thing is more like the acid injecting robot spiders in Runaway.

Well, now the next Sharknado movie can take place in Australia, and the tornado can scoop up the robots too.

These movies just write themselves.

Plus, I feel like if Law and Order were still on, these things would somehow end up in an episode.

They should have just sent some killer emus after them

“COTSbot goes online September 17th, 2015. Human decisions are removed from reef defense. COTSbot begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, September 29th.”

And, c’mon, folks–we all know what the biggest threat to the Great Barrier Reef is. And it ain’t some starfish.

From COTSbot’s point of view, the extermination of the human race is only logical.

Between the murderbots and the re-engineered 30,000 year old virus, our end is going to be more spectacular than Hollywood could imagine.

I think the scientists are just fucking with us right now.

This is what always occurs to me when someone mentions military or killer robots.

[Paul Hogan]

THAT’S not a murderbot; THIS is a murderbot!

[/Paul Hogan]

Australia WAS the Earth’s version of Salusa Secundus (ducks and hides.)