Best Canadian RPM Number 1 Singles:1975

Thirty two songs hit # number 1 in 1975 Canada. Which ones would you vote for?

YOU MAY VOTE FOR MORE THAN ONE SONG(for those who never pay attention):wink:

Older polls:
1973-Best Canadian RPM Number 1 Singles: 1973 - Cafe Society - Straight Dope Message Board
1974-Best Canadian RPM Number 1 Singles: 1974 - Cafe Society - Straight Dope Message Board

Paul Anka and Bachman-Turner Overdrive are the only Canadian artists to send singles to #1 in their home country in 1975.

I was 13 at the time and really just starting to get into music. To be honest, I loved some really sappy stuff at that age, and I’m going to vote for them all. :slight_smile:

The TOP three of my votes are 10cc, Sweet and James Taylor’s great rendition of Marvin Gaye’s tune.

other songs got my vote, Wings, Van McCoy, KC and Bee Gees with their disco beginning.

Kung-Fu Fighting? From a better 1975 album than any that gave us those songs,

However, “Black Superman” was remarkably stupid with a great Ska beat, so I never turned it off. But “Ballroom Blitz” let me prove to a dorm-room of girls that I was capable of playing something popular, though it was really a rare case of my tastes intersecting theirs. I restrained myself from saying, “Oh, so you LIKE Chapman and Chinn songs,” and pulling out the Suzi Quatro.

This list seems to be shallower than 1974, but without as many absolute piles of feces. I picked “LSD,” “Philadelphia Freedom,” “I’m Not in Love,” and “Get Down Tonight.” “Get Down Tonight” was featured in this delightful Budweiser commercial with ingenious ants about 20 years ago.

Christ on a crutch, those ALL suck.

I don’t blame Canada. I blame 1975.

I’m Not In Love - 10cc

I’m still amazed that this song is 40 years old. It wouldn’t have been out place in mid-to-late 80s.

I agree. When I first heard it back in the 70s, I noticed it sounded distinctly out-of-place among all the other songs on the Top 40. Maybe some of the stuff Roxy Music was doing at the time comes closest.