Trump-Clinton Conspiracy??

I never figured Trump for a serious candidate. I continue to assume that he’s an attention whore who will take his crayons and leave when it’s not fun for him any more. I have nothing but gut to back that opinion, yet I can’t imagine he’d really want to be President - he can’t possibly think that’s a good idea.

Anyway, I just read this articlein the Washington Post. The gist is that Trump is doing what he can to screw with the Republican candidates/platform to ensure Hillary gets elected. Tweets are flying back and forth, and whispers are being whispered.

I suppose it’s possible, but is it likely? Do you think the “conspiracy” has any basis in reality?

Maybe in that mysterious phone conversation Bill Clinton talked him into running, knowing that with his personality he’d never have a real chance of winning. Bill is supposed to be a master manipulator. I don’t think Trump would knowingly agree to do this, his ego is too big, but he could have been manipulated into it.

I just posted this in another thread. I don’t think this is happening, but if it were happening, I don’t think it would look much different than it does now.

I assume that Bill was either looking for donations or seeing if Donald’s birtherism would lead him to being an anti-Hilary force. Either way, if Bill did nudge Donald into blowing up the Republicans, it would be the greatest bit of political judo ever.

I think Jeb! openly promoting this rumor will not end well for him.

People have been saying this for months. I’m pretty sure that we’ve had threads on it.

No, of course it’s not true. The Washington Post article has it correct: “anyone living inside the Beltway can testify that Washington isn’t organized enough to work that way.”

Seriously, who in America had such a low opinion of the Republican voter that they could possibly think they’d keep responding to stupider and stupider statements by Trump positively? Republicans have to be such complete utter morons, bigots, racists, and gun-sucking bootlickers to continually make his poll numbers increase that it seems impossible they can use their phones to answer pollsters. Even the most cynical elements in the Democratic party didn’t have this awful a view of their imbecility to think this could happen outside a wet dream.

And yet it is. Driving normally insane conservatives out of their infinitesimally tiny minds. It’s wonderfully delicious irony. Yum, yum, yummy, yum.

IF there were a conspiracy, I would postulate that it was a GOP plan to make it’s clown car of Carson, Rubio, Cruz et al. seem more reasonable.

::raises hand::

But then, I have been reading Republican sites for years, for yuks and intel.

I just can’t see Trump agreeing to essentially work in a supporting role for somebody else’s campaign.

I believe Trump is running for his own sake. Sure, he probably realizes he won’t get elected President. But he’s enjoying the attention he’s getting.

I believe Trump is not all that despised a political entity as the GOP and the media are exhibiting.

I think the GOP is already resigned to the loss of the presidency this cycle and some in the party are actually happy Trump is doing as well as he is because if he becomes the nominee and then loses to Hillary, Republicans can trot out the old horse about the wrong candidate who is not a real conservative anyway took the nomination so of course he lost, which allows the conservative wing of the party, which is now the party and no longer a wing, to save face while at the same time doubling down on ‘radical conservatism’ (now ‘conservatism’) and delaying any return to sanity by at least a decade.

Republicans (and the country) need someone like Cruz to win the nomination and then lose in the general election. Only when a true Conservative loses will the party come to its senses.

Don’t think of it that way. Think of it as Donald taking the opportunity to say he single handedly got to choose the next POTUS. He’s made political endorsements before so there’s no ego-based reason he wouldn’t run a false flag campaign.

That said, I think this is a silly idea. Trump may not have started out as a serious candidate, but he’s spending money like one and nobody could have predicted that his stream-of-nonsense speaking style could have been this successful.

If Trump had run at Clinton’s request I don’t think he would have become as extreme as he is now. It is risky to a certain extent.

Trump is showing all the characteristics of a troll. Spouting off in an environment where he will get a lot of attention, and some support. But mostly ratcheting up the rhetoric to keep the coverage flowing. And ignoring logical arguments against his position.
You see him agree that the way to enforce his ban would be to ask about religion at Customs? Even he can’t be stupid enough to know that a terrorist would lie. (His supporters are.) He just agreed with the proposal and went on to the next thing.

What the Republicans need is a good mod. Trump would get banned in fifteen minutes around here.

Now, what I don’t know if he is doing it for his brand as an attention whore, or if he is doing it to screw over the Republican Party.

I wonder what the world thinks of a country that allows a fruitcake like Trump to run for the highest office? Putin has to be scared shitless wondering how he’ll deal with this loose canon hellbent on stupidity.

if there had been a Clinton-Trump conspiracy, it wouldn’t have happened so early. Bill knows full well that the long time frame could’ve seen the economy collapse (as happened to Bush I from 1991-1992) which could’ve elected a candidate once seen as unacceptable. A Clinton/Trump conspiracy would’ve involved Trump doing it much later, to keep the buzz about “voting conscience” or “dumping the 2 party system” going enough into November.

I agree with most of this. Little Nemo acknowledged that Trump probably doesn’t expect to win the presidency, but enjoys the attention. So why not get that, *plus *be a kingmaker…er, queenmaker?

But where do you get that Trump is “spending money like [a candidate]”? What I’ve seen suggests just the opposite.


I wouldn’t think much of any country that *didn’t *allow fruitcakes to run for any office.

Trump is not spending any money himself. But the Super PAC he is “not coordinating with” certainly is.

Trump is showing all the characteristics of megalomania. I think it’s pathological. I don’t think he’s going to stop on his own.

I think hes more likely on a hypomanic peak right now, his statements in the last few weeks are pretty typical of bipolar people on hypomanic highs.

The thing is hypomanic highs don’t last forever. At some point he’ll implode.

Those descriptions are not contradictory. But while he has always been an egomaniac, he hasn’t often been this crazy. If he is serious about this, his high end brand is going to be trashed. Has he ever been that uninterested in making money? He could sell the the white trash just fine, but that is not where his brand is.

If true, this would be one of the biggest conspiracies to have ever happened in American politics. While juicy, I cannot imagine that everything fell into place. Its just too crazy to think of

I heard of this a week or so ago.
Who came up with the idea?

Could Bill Clinton have begun this rumor to discredit Trump? Is he that sneaky? :slight_smile: