LiveJournal SDMB Community

So many dopers have livejournals that I decided to make a community for us. (A community is a shared journal). Once you join, you are automatically a “friend” of the community, so going to the community’s friends page will show you all the dopers’ posts :slight_smile: You can also post to the community itself by selecting it as the Active Journal when you post.

SDMB Community:


I almost forgot: If you also post to the fathom boards, there is a Fathom community too:

I was going to do this but I procrastinate so much that I forget. Thanks, Opal!


Well it’s an open, shared journal, so it doesn’t really matter much who started it. :slight_smile:

We’ve already got 5 members :smiley:

If you post a link to it in your journal, other dopers might see it faster :slight_smile:

Somebody out there in Live Journal land already had Ice Wolf, so I fell back on akassa as a username there.

Haven’t added a thing yet, but I’ve joined the community.

I’d join but my livejournal entries are pretty much like my messages on this board: pointless. Wouldn’t want to bore you.

Oh stop! Nobody is bored. If they are, screw 'em.

Okay boss, if you say so.

I joined too. Does this mean that my journal entries will show up on the friends page from now on?? Oh boy, are you guys in for it. Not only am I boring to 98% of the world, but I write a lot too! :slight_smile:

I just can’t wait for the loathing to begin.

That sounds like me. Oh, no. Is this going to turn into something we will all regret? :nervous:

I am glad to see intelligent people have LiveJournal accounts too. I recently started one because it was recommended by a friend, but whenever I wander (out of simple morbid curiosity I assure you) to read random users’ entries it is always some dumbass teenager telling the world they “went swimming today and a boy looked at me (Whoo Hoo)”
I felt silly for expounding on the meaning of life on mine. I was just about to delete it and go back to a Bic pen and a spiral notebook.

woohoo! we’re up to 22 members :slight_smile:

And I make three in this group. I know mine is boring; it’s the musings and rantings of a part-time employed suburban mom.

It could be really cool. I posted an Ultrasound and OpalCat looked at me (whoo hooo!)… sorry, was that inappropriate?

thx opal :wink:
ps: everyone who joins has to come and talk to my journal. It’s been up two weeks and it’s designed so that the kid can read it later, but it’s dying of boredom. Come on… post a statement so a Scottish kid can read it in ten years. Who’d have known pregnancy would take nine months, eh? Flippin’ NHS waiting lists…

Dear Journal,

Have just joined the SD community journal, but don’t understand how it works. Is there a special place to post or do I do it from my own journal? The mysteries of life confound me.

Confoundedly yours,


Dear Journal,

Just figured it out. All I need to do is post as I normally would, but select sdmb instead of my username on the dropdown menu before posting.

Adeptly yours,


Hmm…I just joined this community journal, even though I have made a totality of one entry in my own journal. I think I’m in over my head.

That’s how you do it on the web, but I use the LJ Win32 client to do it from my desktop.

I don’t see a way to do it in there, is there a way?

Yes: click the LiveJournal menu > Choose Active Journal (or just use CTRL + J) and then choose it from the drop down list. If it isn’t there, you need to logout of the client and log back in.

Can’t seem to get through to the page right now (piece-o-shit computer!), but I’ll try again later.

Opal, I added your little boy as one of my LJ friends after the last thread we had pertaining to LJ. What a treasure to read his posts! Keep them coming - he’ll be grateful for it later when he can read them and get all embarrassed about them. :slight_smile: I would be happy to talk with him about the joys and pitfalls of kindergarten and cat ownership.