Is Charles Grodin gay?

Is Charles Grodin gay?

I just saw him on Letterman, and got the impression that he made statements (backed up by Dave) that indicated that, if he was not openly gay before, he was now making it pretty clear that he is.

Is Charles Grodin gay?

IMDB says he’s been married twice.

Of course, that proves nothing.

Why do you need to know? Are you looking for a date? Someones sexual prefence is their own business.

I don’t know about his gaiety, but how 'bout that rug. Yeesh!

[flaming]Just who does she think she is fooling[/flaming]*


Charles Grodin does a great deadpan and his prankish behavior is well-known. My guess is he and Dave were just having you on.

Not only has he been married twice but he’s still married to his second wife, so if he were really to come out I have to think she wouldn’t approve.

What should I do with this thread? It’s pretty mundane and pointless, but it is a question that may have a factual answer. Then again, the factual answer is one that most of us here may never know. Oh, Mr. Grodin is a movie actor, you say? How convenient. Off to the Cafe Society with you, then. (Ike and Euty are going to kill me.)

moderator, GQ

A more relevant question might be whether Charles Grodin is actually an actor or just a decent talk show guest.

[sub]and I agree that Ike and Euty should lop off your head[/sub]

Well, all I have to say about that is that Midnight Run is quite possibly one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, and Charles Grodin was AMAZING in it.


I never thought Charles Grodin was gay.
Interestingly, I’ve got a poster of him… in my closet!

Why would anyone have produced a poster of Charles Grodin? Does it show him getting stepped on in the 1976 remake of King Kong?

bibliophage, this is probably none of my business but I disagree very strenuously with your moving this thread to the Cafe Society. This new forum has a specific mission and I think you’re diluting it by moving threads like this here. I think it should be in IMHO or MPSIMS. Yes, Charles Grodin is an actor, but this thread isn’t about his movies.

If someone started a thread titled “Is Oral Roberts Gay?” would you move it to GD because Roberts is a “witness?”

Would you move “Is Cecil Adams Gay?” to Comments on Cecil’s Columns?

It’s like that, at least as I see it.

Is Charles Grodin gay?
Well, all I can say is he’s never shown up at any of the meetings. :rolleyes:

I like Charles Grodin, I think it would be fun to have a beer with him (maybe I am gay?!?!) just seem to see him more on talk shows than the silverscreen. Okay, I’ve only ever seen bits and pieces of that film, so I can’t argue extensively otherwise. But as Fiver may have picked up on I was just trying to introduce an element of debate regards the arts verus someone’s sexual preference, which will generally not be relevant, IMHO, here. This belongs in MPSIMS.

Well, could we at least direct the discussion toward how his sexual preference might affect his choice of roles, or prowess in executing them?

If it helps, Grodin played a gay character in The Woman In Red. The character’s coming out was handled so subtly (ineptly) that most people probably missed it.

But that’s more a reflection on the director, Gene Wilder, than on Grodin.


Until someone mentioned “Midnight Run,” I was picturing Charles Nelson Reilly. I always do that.

Don’t know if either is gay.


Sir Rhosis

I wouldn’t say he actually hit gay, but he was in a very good mood. Oh, maybe you mean another definition for the word…

I saw him. I thought he was one of Dave’s better guests. My take on the interview:

We the audience were privileged to be able to watch two men who are friends joke around like guys will. I though Mr. Groden actually brought out the best in Dave as an host. You will have to admit some celebrities are limited in the grey matter and therefore their interviews are usually only fluff. Now for Mr Groden, he is a smart guy and it shows in his interviews. I noticed that Mr. Groden was better able to pull off the deadpan humor than Dave which actually is why you are not sure. But remember in the interview when Mr. Groden admitted to “dating” Regis he did say something to the effect that it wasn’t sexual.

I watched the interview as well, and took the whole thing as a joke. Grodin came out with an “attitude” by shrugging Letterman’s arm from his shoulder and continued from there. I figured he had a gripe, and then we find out that he did. He voiced complaints about Dave being a rival of 60 Minutes II, by having a vested interest (producer?) in Ed, which runs in the same time slot. He also mentioned that Dave had never followed through in getting together with Regis and himself (Grodin), and I also think he was bothered by the fact that Letterman didn’t greet him before the show started. I took the whole thing as joking around, with some actual seriousness behind it.

I’ve noticed that if a guest is determined to be difficult, Dave will finally ditch the scheduled plugs for clips or dates the guest will be appearing/mentions of projects, and start dishing it right back. So at the mention of going out with Regis, Dave started out by calling it a date, then saying Grodin is gay. Instead of sitting back and listening to all the veiled complaints, Dave began twisting everything that Grodin said. As for Grodin being gay, I can’t say I’m particularly interested, but I certainly wouldn’t take what happened with Letterman as Grodin being “outed”.

Goddess, I hope not…


Of course not. Just about every time I’ve seen him, he’s been really grumpy.
