!?! WTF!!! These guys need to be shot for this shit!!

My friend sent me a link to that website, http://\, the other day because he said there were some funny pictures on there. Well, I went and checked it out the other day, and I cannot fucking beleive that website has been in existence as long as it has.

There must be laws against the shit they show on there. There are pictures of badly mutilated dead bodies, deformed dead babies, autopsey photos of dead babies / men / women / mystery bodies, car accident pics, crime scene photos, beastiality, scat, and any other kind of fucked up shit you could ever imagine seeing in your short life.

I am sure some of the pictures are fake, but I can tell you that the majority of them are not. It is EXTREMELY disturbing to see some of the images on there. I consider myself to be pretty shock resistant against morbid images, but even I was taken back by the picture of the guy eating a dead baby. Possibly fake, but still leaves you thinking. There is one of a dead man in a yard that had been half eaten by feral animals. I have seen shit like that before in real life and I can tell you, it is a real pic.

Have any of you other dopers seen this shit? Is it truly legal for a site like this to show the images it does? I mean, they dont even have any sort of age warning on there! Are there other sites like this?

One last word of caution though. If you are squemish or have a weak stomach, DO NOT GO LOOK AT THAT SITE. I know you are curious after my description, but do yourself a favor and stay away. Some of the pics will burn images into your mind that you cant erase. I am not joking either. Some people cannot handle the shit on this site. You have been forwarned.

{Note: I removed the direct link to this site. If you want to go there, you’re gonna have to fiddle with the address, it’s not too hard to figure out what bits to remove. Lynn}

[Edited by Lynn Bodoni on 09-03-2001 at 01:21 PM]

Bastard! I looked! I looked!

Fortunately, I was amused.

Still, not stuff to read before going to bed - creepy site!


Oh yeah, I’ve been there. It got boring for me real quick…

The fun stuff is over at the Stile Project. Woo-wee! Stoid’s got a thread in MPSIMS going about some of the activities at that little Internet gem.

And if you like weird-but-not-disgusting stuff, go to

True, the site is disgusting, and definitely not for the squeamish, but I also think it serves a purpose. If the pictures of gory car accidents will stop and make a person think, and slow down, hang up their fucking phone, and possibly save an innocent life, then it’s not all bad. Some of the filth and disgusting things there should also remind us how lucky we are, not to be a part of that side of “civilization.” There’s no way you can censor this material, 'cos there’s always another site around the corner. And the more we talk about it, the stronger it gets…

Well, no one forces anyone to look at certain sites. ConsumptionJunction is another just like it. They do serve a purpose. Of course one is twisted amusement for those who like it. The other is to shock people who would never know attrocities such as those portrayed existed. Whether it is an aborted fetus, a crushed auto accident victim, or whatever else you see a pic of, it will certainly make you stop and think about what you just saw. Just to get people to think is an accomplishment on its own.

Please excuse me for being flippant…but just what did you expect to see at a place called “Rotten”

I have seen the site many times. It’s been around for years. Lots of humor.

Boy, I wish the people on the news would stop talking about death and war and accidents and stuff. That’s icky gross stuff. And even though no one’s forcing me to watch it, I still can’t believe they’re even ALLOWED to broadcast it. I mean, pictures of Molotov cocktails hitting groups of civilians? And actual film…FILM…of people being shot at and explosions and car wrecks and stuff. It turns my stomach.

Anyhow, flippancy aside, I have to agree with the folks who say, “Don’t wanna see it? Don’t go there.” Any site that says “The soft white underbelly of the net, eviscerated for all to see: Rotten dot com collects images and information from many sources to present the viewer with a truly unpleasant experience.” near the top of the first page…looks like they did merely what they set out to do, as they apparently gave you a “…truly unpleasant experience.” You should thank 'em for the truth in advertising.

So did you see the Tupac autopsy photo?

The first amendment. While I don’t agree with what they do, it’s their right. I’m trying to think of that Voltaire quote that goes something like “I don’t agree with what you say but, I’ll fight to the death to defend your right to say it.”

So why did you post the link to it Phlip? Sounds a little like you are doing promo work for them. ‘Fucked up shit’, ‘EXTREMELY’, blah, blah, blah. This is their hook to get people in and you are spreading the word for them. Most of the more shocking stuff is definitely faked. Dead baby being eaten? It’s actually a roast duck with a doll’s head. The half eaten guy is almost certainly faked if it is the same one at The area near his penis where you can see through to the grass underneath d oesn’t look right. Also, I’m sure any animal will go for the genitals before they go for the other bits. I know I do :wink:

Contain your outrage Phlip. There’s nothing to see here now so move along. There have always been freak shows and this is just the way we do them now that we have the internet.ha

I’ve just read over everybody’s posts again and it seems that most of us are pretty blase about the content of theses sights. It’s not my cup of tea as it seems it isn’t for most of you but we understand that we don’t have to look and it isn’t really hurt ing anybody.

But what would it take for you to be truly outraged? Child porn or any mistreatment of kids? I’ve never seen anything like that at one of these sites but Stile apparently has an mpeg of a pig being blowtorched to death. I haven’t dared to d ownload it but that is his description.

Until now, it seemed to me that these sites just showed aftermath but if the description is true, then that poor animal was tortured FOR the video. I guess I’d describe myself as outraged now but what can you do?o

I hate that site too, and consider all of my friends who look at it to be freaks.

Unfortunately, ALL of my friends look at it, which leaves me with the obvious conclusion (that I am the freak).

I will never willingly visit that site, and never encourage others to do so, but apparently it has a market.

Incredibly, I’ve had Internet Virgins visit, and when we’ve sat them down for their first look at the internet, they’ve headed straight for - their friends apparently tell them about it as part of the “Singing the Internet’s Praises” package. Never fails to amaze me.

Can’t remember the quote? You could easily look it up in reference material… like, oh, say, the sig four posts above yours. :smiley:

But have you all seen the Easter Bunny link? Fuckin’ genius man.

Like must of the people who have posted, I looked at Rotten a while back, found it unpleasant, and didn’t go back. From what I saw, it seemed as though most of the pictures were autopsy photos or crime/accident scene photos. Rotten presumably did not cause the accidents, nor pay anyone to cause them. In the case of child porn or abuse, they would directly or indirectly be financing the abuse. This is a big distinction for me.

I did not see the bestiality photos, but those would be illegal, and, considering the fame of the site, I am surprised that there hasn’t been any prosecution.

Finally, before it ends up on Limbaugh or in a Doonesbury cartoon, the baby eating picture is a fake. See snopes.

You make it sound like is responsible for all of this. The site is just showing us what is actually out there.

And it’s a great site.


If you’re looking for that quote, just browse the SDMB for about 3 minutes. It’s the sig line for at least 3 people, I believe.

(Not that there’s anything wrong with that. The quote definitely speaks to my libertarian side.)

Dagan gave a printout of “Nothing Comes Between Me and My Harley” (the case of road rash in which everything in the guy’s face from his lower orbits down was gone) to her driver’s ed teacher. He plans to show it to his students with bikes.

First I showed it to Wife, who used to work in xray at a trauma center.

“Seen worse.”

“Alive, conscious, and sitting up?”

“Yep. It’s amazing how much punishment the human body can take.”

Sigh… if there is some way your post could possibly have been more obvious as not too subtle enticement to get people to go to this site I don’t how you would have managed it short of a neon sign and the promise of free beer.

Very clever Philip what’s your next trick?