My period is not on a 28-day cycle. Anyone else?

Reading the cites in the period thread in GQ weirded me out. They all alleged to “every 28 days,” “a 28-day cycle” and so on.

I’m perfectly healthy. My period is on a 32-day cycle, and has been for years. I’ve heard of women who have 25-day (erk!) cycles. Are those menstruation websites discriminating against us women who have less or more period than the accepted norm? :slight_smile:

Damn! I could be a campus radical with this!

Well, it depends on how you count the days. Mine always starts at the same date (give a day or two) each month, and since it’s five days long, that means there’s less than 28 days from the end of one to the start of the next, which is how we’re supposed to count. Of course, once or twice a year my period will be a few days early, and then which ever date it started then will be the same for the next 6-12 months… Hell, I’m just happy to be fairly regular. But it’s odd though, the fourth day skips and starts again the fifth, and it’s been like that since my mid-teens- can’t help wishing it’d just be 4 days in a row instead.

*wonder if there are any guys secretly reading…nah *

I’m laughing at my damn self. 3 more pages of this and I would RULE my school.

I’m 32 days now too. It used to be 30 but not any more.

Mine varies all the time. For a year and a half, I was on a once every three month cycle. Currently, I seem to be running once every 5 weeks or so. I don’t think it’s that abnormal.

Mine’s about 32 days too. Has been since I was 15.

Well this is one way to find out a Doper is a Doperette. Sorry, Daowajan, for some reason I always thought you were a guy. Nothin’ personal.
[sub]Fighting my personal ignorance one Doper at a time[/sub]

A lot of people think I’m a guy. No problem.

Mine does that too. Doesn’t everyones?

I always thought that was normal. I usually run a 28 day cycle, that’s just the average though. It can very, I gave up trying to schedule my period a long time ago.

i’m verrrrrrrrry abnormal. mine’s every two weeks, and it lasts for one week. so, between the start of the first one and the start of the second, there’s about 21 or so days. a full week away from normal. :smiley: beat that!

I was always told to count from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next. I don’t bother counting much now that I’m not trying to get pregnant or worrying about getting pregnant, but my cycle has always been between 28 and 35 days. It will be about 28 days for a few months, then gradually start getting longer and longer until it’s 35 days or so, and then suddenly one period will surprise me and it’s back to 28 days for a while.

I know that 28 days is considered the norm, but cycles much longer and much shorter are normal as well. I’m not even sure 28 days is an accurate mean.

26 days dammit.

A girl I knew always did have a 23-day cycle.

Yaaaargh!!! sorry; that’s as detailed as I can get - being a guy you’ll all understand I gotta get out of this thread asap!

28 days? 32 days? Ha!

I’m currently on the 90-day or so cycle.

Had my period last month (along with vicious PMS that I didn’t recognize because I’m so irregular) for the first time since June.

Yes, I’ve seen a doc and we’re working on it. Heck- at 90 days, I’m getting it more often than I did for several years.

Mine was longer than 28 days in the beginning, and my mom freaked out every month (thinking I was pregnant, no doubt) so I had all the tests done. Nothing out of the ordinary, just bleeding to a different drummer, I guess (I am such a damn Gemini, it “spills” over into menstruation). Anyway, now that I am in a sex-filled relationship, guess what? 28 day cycles for the first time in my life. So try out that remedy, all you righteous babes - it may be the most natural
way of all to get on schedule.

Coming next on Jerry Springer - good sex cures anthrax!

35 days here. I must say I prefer it to my sister’s 21 day cycles!

Darn it, Lsura, I thought I was going to be the winner here with a 65 day cycle. It’s been that way since Auntie Flo first started visiting, and several GYNs have checked it out and proclaimed everything is fine and dandy. The only hitch is that if I ever decide to try for kids, I should probably consider meds to speed things up, which doesn’t seem that unreasonable. In the meantime, I don’t want a “remedy”!

I did have awful cramping when I was younger, but it seems to get better and better the older I get (one compensation, I suppose, for needing a sturdier and sturdier underwire bra as the years go by).

28 days here, sometimes to the hour. And I usually have the 24 hour skip at the end as well. When I was having really heavy periods, I was having that skip at the beginning as well.

I have sometimes gone three weeks, and sometimes 5, but 4 is the norm for me.
BTW, if you are on the pill, you will always have 28 day cycles.

I have Norplant and every since then my cycle is highly irregular. I sometimes get it two weeks in a row. Or it won’t come for like a month and a half. I cannot depend on having my period during a certain time. I just learn to live with it though. Beats getting pregnant.