1,474 Megapixel Photo of Obama's inauguration

One of the judges (based on a quick Googling, I think it’s Clarence Thomas?) right behind Obama is asleep. Which is odd, because this is the first black president, and all, and the judge is a black man.

A few rows behind him, just above the seam and to the left, appears to be Emperor Palpatine.

Not only is there a floating hat in front of Aretha Franklin, but she appears to have eaten the top of someone’s head off. Perhaps to get a better view?

Near the staircase to the left of Obama is a soldier with a shaved head and a pair of those behind-the-head earmuffs and he looks very bizarre to me.

A woman in the top left balcony appears to be taking a picture of the people who took this picture.

This is so much fun!

What’s up with that ancient camera on the tripod right behind the police officers? That thing is a collector’s item.

That’s no mistake. That’s Joe the Plumber fading back into obscurity.

Check out Yo-yo Ma’s cello! And Perlman.

A good friend of my wife was there and sat next to John Cusack. I’m going to send this to her and see if she can find herself.


I found Waldo.

Cool picture, I happen to own the same camera ( Canon G10) this was taken with and have been pleasantly surprised at how good the image quality is.

There is a guy on the other side of the wall from Leibowitz and about a dozen people down the row, who looks like he’s wearing a yellow sleeping bag. And an Air Force cap.

I found a half-a-guy, and a pair of legs from the knee down.

A couple hugging each other (awwww!)

Several (students?) taking notes.

A guy with a Middle Eastern headdress.

I think I see one of our senators, Bennie Thompson. Maybe not.

Pretty dang neat.

The officer looks like he’s looking at them as if they’re really there and they’re confusing him.

If only.

That is Rick Warren. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

John F. Kennedy supposedly didn’t wear a hat at his inauguration, and ushered in the era of men without hats (although Snopes documents that he in fact did wear a hat, its a lead-in, and I’m taking it).

As I look at this really cool photo, I am struck by the butt-ugly hats these guys have on. I mean, really, it’s pretty much the most formal outdoor occasion you’ll ever attend, and you decide to wear a cowboy hat? a baseball cap? a toque?

There’s a guy two seats on sleeping Thomas’ right who appears to be wearing a medieval monk’s cap. In the same wedge behind Obama is a baseball cap and a Greenbay toque. Bush Sr. is apparently wearing an entire lamb.

Seriously. Can you movers-n-shakers of the political elite not go buy a proper hat?


Who didn’t just waste 5-10 mins scanning the tops of the buildings to see if they could see any trained police snipers or anything on the lookout. (I think they’re on top of the domed building towards the top center, and back the picture… These two guys standing all alone up there… :shrug:

I was nowhere near the place.

That’s just a large format camera. Here’s some information on them. The author of said information occasionally has some interesting views, but his facts usually are pretty good.

*Everything’s *bigger in Texas.

Where is Bush Sr? Is he in that same wedge with the Supreme Court?

No doubt you are right: Dustin chatting to Annie