2011 American Idol Pool

Casey’s gone? Wow. I didn’t watch the results show, but I pretty much bet the farm on Naima with just a couple points on Haley.

Casey’s not gone… They saved him with the Judges’ save.

Lordy, am I ever sucking this year…

How do you find the SDMB Idol pool on that site?

Sorry to be so lame.

Not sure if it’ll work or not, but give this link a try. You might have to be logged in to the site.

Woohoo! A maximum-possible 26 points this week! I don’t completely suck in the standings anymore!

Me too. I was going to put 5 on someone else to hedge my bets like I usually do, but I decided to go all in this week and it paid off.

Yeah, you need to not do that anymore. People at the bottom of the standings need to make desperate moves like this in the hopes that they pay off. The standings leader needs to spread out the points to protect the lead.
Buying it?

I did the opposite. I was going to put all 20 on Paul, and at the last minute I chickened out and hedged by putting 5 on someone else. Ah well - 21 out of 26 isn’t bad.

I think it’s going to be tough to get these right from here on in. There are no clear front-runners and the votes seem to be close. Of the remaining people, I think all but Scotty and James have been in the bottom three at least once.

I really thought Haley was going to get it this week, despite Paul’s lackluster effort. But I had a few points on him, so I didn’t completely get blanked. I’m horrible at this game.

I’ve figured out the trick - put in the picks right after watching the show, rather than sleeping on it. Two weeks of dumping all 20 points on the right person - woot!

Yeah, I was second-guessing myself again and was about to hedge my bet, but I stopped myself and said, “Just stick with your first pick”. Bye bye, Stefano! So long, and thanks for all the points.

I put big money on Jacob. Dammit.

Looks like I was the only one to put the full points on Scotty from the beginning and stick with it. It paid off. After getting oh-so-close with my early picks of Adam Lambert and Crystal Bowersox the past two years, I learned my lesson and went for the boring white guy. Yes! :wink:

Congrats. I fell just short this year, but it was my best showing.

This was my best showing as well. So close! I realized Scotty was a juggernaut just a bit too late. How far he came from Babylockthemdoors and Nuts of Wonder.

Oh yeah, I had meant to update this the other night. Congrats to judikium for coming out on top this season!

The formatting is blown, but I’ll put our final leaderboard in here just for the sake of posterity:

Rank Selection Pts Bonus OverAll Total Overall Pick
(Max Pts)
1 judikium 140 31 36 207 Scotty M (36)
2 Drain Bead’s Karaoke All-Stars 147 25 24 196 Scotty M (24)
3 Mahaloth 155 20 18 193 Lauren A (36)
4 Sam’s Picks 109 33 24 166 Scotty M (24)
5 Kitten’s Picks 111 19 5 135 Lauren A (9)
5 Pliny 97 20 18 135 Lauren A (36)
5 Hal Briston’s picks 110 19 6 135 Scotty M (6)
8 Rachel’s Groovy Picks 90 28 9 127 Scotty M (9)
9 Kolak’s picks 94 12 6 112 Scotty M (6)
10 Daisy Duke 70 33 5 108 Lauren A (9)
11 GonzoRon’s Picks 70 23 6 99 Scotty M (6)
12 Double DN 67 23 5 95 Lauren A (9)
13 Pleonast 70 11 8 89 Lauren A (15)
14 American What? 61 20 2 83 Haley R (9)
15 phungi 52 22 0 74 -none-
15 anna 52 22 0 74 -none-