24: 10-11 PM

I completely agree with both Jello and Amarinth. That was a little ridiculous, plot-wise–it throws a lot of what we’ve seen for a loop. And not in a good way.

[spoiler]And why in the world would Andre tell Kim that his sister was killed? Do the writers not understand one of the paramount dramatic conventions, that a character doesn’t say something deceptive unless his intent is to deceive another character, not just the audience?

I thought that was pretty weak…I wish it’d been Walsh or Mason.

Oh–and why (why??) was Jack told to kill Nina, all those hours before? Hmm?[/spoiler]

My theory re: Gaines ordering Jack to kill Nina is that he and the Drazens had real shoddy communication with each other. Granted, this is stupid, I doubt the show will even try to address that (or how she acted with the whole Jamie situation) in the finale.

My guess on why Jack was told to kill Nina (although it’s weak) is that Gaines knew she was alive but the Drazens didn’t, and Gaines wanted to get her out of the way before they found out and it complicated things.

Somehow the Drazens found out and got word to her or she to them once the Drazen name got involved.

I know I’m reaching like a 6 p.m. writer, but it’s something to look for.

As I see it,

Nina/Yelena may be a daughter of Drazen, but not the one who was killed. Or she may just be a family friend. Remember that the plot to kill Drazen went awry the first time. Who tipped off Drazen then? It had to have been Nina. She could have been set up to work in the US for several years as sort of a “sleeper” agent.

As for the attempt to kill her by Bauer earlier in the day, that’s not entirely inconsistent for two reasons: 1) Gaines was running the show then and perhaps he didn’t know about Nina and just wanted her out of the way or 2) Drazen is a psycopath and he doesn’t give a rat’s ass whether or not she lives.

But I thought Nina was bad after the “safe” house went awry. It just seemed too easy for the bad guys to get in there. And it almost seemed like she picked a fight with Teri.

Also, I think now that it was Nina who gave the Mandible the opportunity to kill herself by leaving the coffee cup in the room and playing hardball with her son.

Nina = Yelena = Mole = Bad Woman

Uh, I can’t read one single one of the spoilers. When I highlight, nothing shows up. I’m using Opera - anyone else having this problem?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

I take back the awful words I said about Tony. I take back everything!!

Good news for 24 fans!
Hollywood Reporter announced today that FAX has added 24 to the next season schedule…it squeaked by getting cancelled!

No word yet whether it simply goes to DAY TWO or another storyline altogether.

Kiefer had signed to do three years, so at least we will have Jack Bauer to kick around again!

FOX has stated that if 24 is renewed, it will have a new format: each episode will be a new adventure which takes place within a 24-hour time period.

Well I am not sure they said that for sure, but that they were considering doing it that way.

Regarding Nina being the mole: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


When Tony showed Nina the “proof” that Mason was the mole, I was sure that it meant Tony was the traitor after all, and was setting him up. (Since I was also sure it couldn’t be Mason, as that would be way too obvious.) I’m glad I was wrong about Tony, but…Nina! I trusted you! :mad:

Ah well. About Gaines ordering her shot: I’m guessing he didn’t know she was in on it. He only knew about Jamie/Mandible. The Drazens probably didn’t tell him they had another agent because they didn’t fully trust him. That way they’d have a way to keep tabs on him. Still, though, the writers have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do.

Another thing I liked about this ep: Little Kimmy kicking some more ass. She rocks.

I don’t see anyway all the loose ends can be tied up:

  1. mole
  2. Drazen
  3. Kim
  4. Palmer’s wife
  5. Palmer’s mysterious supporters
  6. the first assassin (the photographer)
  7. Teri
  8. Drazen’s son telling Kim that her father was not a good person

Well, this makes sense the guy who killed my family is not a good person. No matter how, why they did it, even if I am some sort of super war criminal (ok, I admit I’m a bit fuzzy on who the Drazens are), even if there is justification for it somewhere, the remaining members of the family are going to see the ones responsible for the deaths as bad people.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. They’ve only got one show left to wrap it all up? I’m very much afraid that they may take this plot line into the next season…

I don’t know whether I want that or not. One one hand, I’ll be pissed if they go back on the original premise of a complete story in 24 hours. But on the other, I do want them to do it right and wrap up the story in a plausible way. If it takes more than one show to do that…well, so be it, I guess.

There will be closure on a lot of the storylines, but not all. It will give them something for next year if the reports about the show being renewed are true.

Somehow I think Nina (Sarah Clarke) will survive next Tuesday. She’s high enough in the credits to earn that.

i thought they should have a TV movie after each season to wrap up loose ends, and introduce new characters that will factor in on the next Longest Day of Jack’s Life ™.

IMHO, doing a new season with the same characters will be pretty difficult. If I ran the world, the next season of 24 would be a completely different story with completely different characters and a different hero, while retaining the 24-hour real-time (minus commercials) format.

Perhaps some people from the first season would make cameos here and there.

Next Season on 24: It’s Jack Bauer’s brother Mack Bauer’s turn for the longest day of his life! And President Palmer’s sister Laura Palmer is being targeted by some Croatians lead by Enrique Hopper!

Hey, anyone else see the Gap commercial with Dennis Hopper play during the show and think 24 was back on?

On another board, someone mentioned that they would have greatly preferred it if Nina had been revealed (to the viewers) as the Mole three or four epihours ago, since there’d have been a lot more dramatic tension that way. I fully agree…no sooner is she revealed (end of 10-11pm) before she’s outed (11-12am, presumably).

I don’t necessarily see a problem tying all of those up. I suspect that the Drazens are going to go after Palmer again. Jack is going to stop them. Along the way, the Drazens get killed. Perhaps Palmer’s wife will get killed in the attempt, saving him from a messy divorce (he doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would stay in a marriage of convenience with someone as evil as her). Alternatively, Palmer stays out of the Drazen’s sights, and just tells his wife to hit the road. Maybe she does something dramatic like try to kill him and get hauled away or something, or she just leaves.

What happens to Nina? Depends on exactly who she is, and what she’s up to. If she’s Drazen’s daughter, then I expect that in the end she’ll wind up dead. If she’s just a spy, she may just get hauled off to jail.

Now here’s an interesting angle… The writers went out of their way to show that the younger Drazen honestly believes that his sister is dead. Was it him that talked to Nina at the end, or was it Victor? If it was Victor, then I think it’s possible that he is double-crossing his own son, or at least keeping the truth from him. In which case we could see the Drazens kill <i>each other</i>, or at least one kills the other. That is, if Nina is actually Victor Drazen’s daughter, which I think she is.

Palmer’s mysterious supporters? I didn’t think they were that mysterious. Just typical big money men supporting a politician and getting carried away. Didn’t his press conference announcing the conspiracy take care of them? Or does something still have to play out there?

I think the first assassin is gone. There was also the female assassin who blew up the plane, who is also gone. The world’s full of people like that. I don’t think we need to ever see them again to get closure.

Teri? What do we have to do with her? I think that story arc is already closed, isn’t it? One of the pieces of dramatic tension throughout the series was Teri’s strained relationship with Jack. But in the last episode, they re-affirmed their love, Jack knows she’s pregnant, and all they have to do now is hug at the end when it’s all over.

The next episode will certainly be busy, but if it’s well written I think they can wrap it all up satisfactorily.

And of course, it’s just possible that Drazen will get away and Nina will go undiscovered, leaving us with plenty of dramatic tension with which to start the next season. After all, the cliffhanger is a tradition in TV land. If we waited all summer to find out who shot JR and who shot Mr. Burns, I guess we can wait to find out what happens to the characters if the writers try to go that way.

The key story arc that has to close is the immediate threat to the Bauers. If they are re-united and there’s no one around to kill them, that’s probably enough to satisfy. Even if a few of the baddies escape.

And it may yet turn out that Nina is a double-agent, still loyal to Jack and trying to set Drazen up. But I doubt it.

It was Andre who answered the phone. I don’t think Nina is the sister they thought was dead. Maybe she is another sister, or a cousin? Maybe Andre’s wife? I definitely think she’s related to the Drazens.

It was odd, when he answered the phone he asked why she was calling. Not surprised, more like he was disturbed to hear from her. Maybe he told her only to call in an enxtreme emergency? (like, “Only call me if Palmer’s not really dead” :wink: )