"24" Season 2, Episode 9 - 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (SPOILERS)

Of course, they can keep lying to Nina, to throw her off balance, even if they do find the bomb. I mean, Sayud Ali is in shackles, he’s spilling his guts about the bomb, and George and Tony and Michelle are yelling at Nina, “You lied! Sayud Ali isn’t there, it’s the home of Mrs. Figglebottom and her twenty seven cats!! You know nothing! There’s no reason keep you alive any longer!”

Even if the president pardoned Nina for the murder of a federal agent (which could be a federal crime, I suppose) she could still be tried by the local authorities, right? Isn’t murder typically a crime that local prosecutors handle? Of course, the likely assumption would be that the president would be expected to put pressure on the governor who would put pressure on the mayor / county executive who would put pressure on the prosecutor.

Another thing that hit me as I was thinking about this earlier … who the hell is the Vice President?! He seems to be pulling a Dick Cheney on this one … maybe he’s in the hospital for heart surgery? :smiley:

I think the VP is in Washington. Remember, the Prez is in LA.

Oh, and how brave was Jack…sacrificing himself so they could find the bomb! I just want to run up to him and kiss him all over his face. (Do you think Resa would mind?)

Is the show completely in the can yet, or are they still finishing up the final episodes?

What I can’t figure out about who is behind the bomb is who stands to gain. OK, if it’s just terrorists, then sure, nuking LA is pretty terrible. But if it’s the government, why? To take over the country under martial law? A rogue agency to bring down Palmer? But why go to all this trouble just to ruin Palmer? There has to be an easier way of wrecking a presidency.

I also wish I saw the earlier episodes, because I really like with they’ve done with Mason (well, not that I’m rejoicing that he’s gonna die, but I think his character has shown a lot of depth).

And my first thought was, “aren’t you supposed to leave it in?” Of course, I think that may be if an emergency room is nearby…

Whatever they were doing to that guy to torture him, I think that tops my list of ways I’d not want to go.

I’m pretty sure she will. Here’s why:

In a moment of weakness, I bought this month’s Cosmo. There was a short snippet featuring the actress who plays her, and said she was going to be Jack Bauer’s love interest for the season. So I’m guessing that she snaps out of her shock and becomes a bad-ass, or gets rescued by CTU at the last moment.

Still, wouldn’t it be funny if Kiefer had to play the last “hour” of the show with lockjaw.

Again, probably just me.

I don’t see why they don’t just shoot Nina right now. I mean if there’s nothing at the address she gave them she’s either a) lying to get a pardon or b) in possession of bad info. Either way she’s useless.

If there is something there, well, you have all the info you need. I wouldn’t honor the pardon. Why should they? Who would know? Who would care? Take her out.

And maybe one of these guys with a gun pointed at her will “trip” and the gun will go off “by accident”.

Of course, Nina is just too much fun to watch from an audience viewpoint.

I do find it a litle hard to believe that Jack wouldn’t keep track of how many magazines he handed to Nina. Especially when it was only 3 or 4.

Isn’t the president in Oregon? I thought he started out fishing in the Ep 1 in OR, then was hurried back to a compound for the crisis, also in OR. Or did I miss something?

Oh, come one.

The plane crashed.

He pulled a big metal stake out of his leg.

His colleague is dying.

He had to give mouth to mouth to the woman who killed his wife.

Men in camoflauge (sp?) are shooting the survivors.

There’s a nuke somewhere in LA.

His daughter’s been arrested.

I think he had a bit on his mind, don’t you? I’m surprised he was able to load the damn gun without shooting off his foot.

I think they were in a bag or something. Still, I agree, an uncharacteristic screwup.

I found this hour to be somewhat contrived, especially the last few minutes. I kept shouting at the screen, “shoot her!” There really is no reason I’d let her draw one more breath after she gave me an address.

I was hoping we’d see a little more of Jack and Nina having to survive together on their own.

I think the VP is hanging out with the VP from The West Wing. They have a little support group for ignored political fugures.

Also, I’m sure my 24 group can’t be the only one that has found the major comic vein of the irradiated Mason taking like the Incredible Hulk.

*“Mason Love Son.”

“Mason Smash Phone!”

“Mason Present Bad People With Prisoner’s Dilemma!”*

All in all, this continues to be one of the best shows on TV, it’s like getting a movie every week.

I just have to say this to the spoiler easy e posted -

Blech! Yick! Nooo!

I didn’t have this reaction. I didn’t get the impression that she was necessarily giving the address of where the bomb was… I got the sense of “go to this address and I’ll tell you how to find the document containing the bomb location”. I wouldn’t want to kill her until I thought she had divulged all she knows.

I loved this too. But it was a private thrill… no one in my family knows (or would care) what the Prisoner’s Dilemma is.

Yes, Palmer is still at the compound in Oregon. He’s not in LA.

I jumped a foot when Jack shot that guy with the flare gun. I forgot it was a flare gun and when he lit up like that it scared the crap out of me.
And I also think those guys in camo who got to the plane first are part of some covert US operation. They’re the one who brought it down in the first place. The question is…who are they exactly and who is financing them?

And I just knew Resa was a red herring and that it had to be Bob Warner who was dirty. The fiancee (Marie?) was a bitch about it, though.

That’s right. The last we saw of the bomb, it was in the truck. The two guys had killed each other, and the third guy was just looking around frantically, like “What the hell do I do NOW?!?”
As I remember, what we discussed here was that a police office would find the Pool Guy’s card in one of the Dead Guy’s pockets, and something would develop from that.

I wonder where the third terrorist will take the truck. He may not even know where to go with it.

I don’t think that scene with Resa and Bob was a prisoner’s dilemma. They were in the same room after all; and I think the fundamental dilemma of the ‘prisoner’s dilemma’ is that the two prisoners are seperated and thus neither can know what choice the other will make (cooperate or defect).

I don’t think it could possibly be to take down Palmer as president. Remember that Nina was involved somehow and she’s been in lockdown since last season. Therefore, this bomb plot has been in development since long before Palmer was elected. But what other reason could it be?

The best damned episode of the season, if not the entire series to date.

Kim didn’t even do anything stupid or “D-Oh” in this episode, although they could have at least sent her running down the hall after the kid or something.

A few things:

I imagine Jack’s tetanus shot is probably current. You’d be amazed the number of innoculations operatives have to undergo, since they can be sent anywhere at any time. He’s only been out a year and a half, and the shots are good for 2 or three years.

Yes, he should have left the spike in his leg. You pull it out only when you a) have pressure bandages and are going to treat it or b) are about to be treated by a medic (In a perfect world, THEY pull it out for you.). It acts as a natural plug and cuts down the blood loss. Of course, Jack didn’t really suffer any significant blood loss from the look of things, and was walking almost perfectly normally until the next scene when he remembered to limp a little bit. He should have had blood streaming down his leg (muscles get a lot of blood, you know) and been hobbling a bit more, my only gripe about this episode.

Yes, the magazines were in a pack. It’s doubtful Jack would have even looked inside, since these guys were equipped as US armed forces personnel. Jack, having been Special Forces, would have known how the gear was configured, and might not even think about the possibility of anything like a hideout pistol in the pack or any such similar. He also wouldn’t know if the guy he took the rifle from was on his first, second or even third magazine, since there was a lot of firing going on.

I did think the flare gun scene was a little overdone. Very cool, but I don’t think the flare would penetrate and put the guy down like that. He probably would have been able to stop, drop and roll, then deal with a severely burned and bruised, if not broken, sternum.

The Jack not being hurt badly enough gripe was more than countered by the realism of the torture scene. Damn, that was intense. It was the closest to what I imagine the real thing would look like that I have ever seen on TV. Come to think of it, I can’t think of any movies off the top of my head that beat it either. Was that a bone saw or a hand grinder the guy was using, I couldn’t get a good enough look at it. If hand grinder, I wonder if Ryobi or Black & Decker paid a promotional fee…

About the pardon, I think it could be done in one of two ways. Palmer could fill out a pardon and leave the date blank; so it could go into effect after the act, or he could sign a National Security Finding authorizing Nina to shoot Jack, under which she could not be prosecuted in any US jurisdiction. However, does Nina really think that if she kills Jack (which won’t happen, we all know) AND walks away from the CTU ops force that TONY isn’t going to find her and kill her? He and Jack are still friends; Tony was very nearly as deeply betrayed by Nina as Jack was, and Tony’s a decent and noble guy who understands things like OBLIGATION.

I thought Palmer’s reaction was great and very convincing, and Jack’s freaking nobility and dedication index went off the charts. Those two guys are great together.

If the rest of the season can maintain this kind of intensity and intrigue, I’m gonna break down and buy a DVD player, so help me.

Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind, I was thinking the same thing. But it was just so darn cool!

Any show in which a random flunkie (as in, not the Big Bad Guy) gets shot by a flare gun is aces in my book. :smiley: