24 - Season 3, Episode 22, 10:00AM - 11:00AM (SPOILERS)

I think I heard the Jack Bauer Power Hour here first, the KBSH from a friend in Riverside, CA, though they may have both come from Riverside.

(Making up nicknames for TV shows is about all you can do for fun when you live in Riverside. Especially since that nuke from last year wafted over.)

Two more hours… these are gonna be great!

mmmm The Kim Bauer Shower Hour…

Kim: Jane, after all you’ve been through, you could use a bath.

Jane: I’d love a nice hot bath, but there’s a part of my back I just can’t reach.

Kim: Here, I can help you with that.

Chloe: Hey what are you…? You know that’s a very unprofessional thing you’re doing. I wonder what Division would have to say about it.

Kim/Jane: Chloe, either shut up and get out, or undress and get in.
(ok, maybe Chloe can stay locked up in a tech room)

No one has mentioned what I thought was the high point of the episode… Michelle’s super-clever escape plan.

Nice to see we’ve developed anti-shrapnel missiles.

Pure speculation here, but how about Saunders developing the virus so that it would give him and his family members immunity, some sort of common genetic trait? That would explain why he doesn’t care if the virus escapes the US. Another doper suggested that Chapelle (sp?) might have been Saunders long lost brother; so you can run with that football a bit.

Jack: “OK, Saunders, you want to play dirty? I’m going to lock you in a room with Chloe for an hour.”
Saunders: “I’ll talk. I’ll talk.”
Chloe: “I was surfing the web, and I somehow managed to learn about your entire personal life in five seconds. I’ll bring up the most annoying points now. You know, as a friend.”

You’re thinking too small. Personally, I’d like to be in a Kim / Michelle sandwich. In fact, if Jane Saunders wants to hop in, I’m not going to argue! :smiley:

Maxthevool, you’re absolutely right. Michelle’s plan was great! Too bad they made her go back and get captured again. I was hoping that she would just wait in a niche in the hallway and wait for Saunders to go by, and then put a few bullets in his head.

A-frickin-men to that!

Tony: “What’d you do that for?”
Jack: “He’ll call back.”
Tony: “You don’t know that! You may have worked with him but you don’t know him!” (foams at the mouth) “You don’t know him!! You don’t know him that well!”

ring ring ring hee hee

And in other news, yellowcakesolid gets the award for Best Interrogation Idea! :smiley:

Did anyone else think for certain that Michelle was dead after Jack told her to allow Saunders to recapture her, thereby creating a perfect setup for a Tony-gone-bad plotline for day 4?

What happens if you super-size that order?

These people seem to bring up this type of stuff at the most inappropriate time. Chloe is just he extreme version of it. Seems they should be concentrating only on getting the job done.

Yeah, that’s the show displaying it’s soap opera side. Kim and Chase’s problems seem just a tad insignificant when you consider that if they don’t keep working, they and the rest of LA will be dead shortly. Somebody hasn’t watched Casablanca.

Supersizing it would have brought an Arc Light bombing run by a flight of B52s…

Hee! Sounds like the Chappelle’s Show (er…Dave, not Ryan) version of 24.

Umm… you get more fries?

I think we’ll get to see Jack torture Saunders’ daughter in front of him (or so he can watch it on live video), kind of like he did last season with the terrorist’s family.

Not exactly.

He takes her and Saunders to the hotel with the infected people and threatens to put her inside unless Saunders gives up the location of the virus vials.

Well crap, I missed the episode. I just HATE to miss out no Chloe’s stupidity and it sounds like she came up w some classic Chloe stupidity this week - what did she say that has everyone cracking up?

Man, I just want to smack some of the folks on this show when the crisis is running rampant and they take some me-time to hash out their personal relationships. Beginning this season with Chase and Kim hashing out whether or not to tell Jack about their relationship to the recent relationship chat…People, there’s a lot on the line. Let’s go out for a spaghetti dinner after this is all over, but NOW is NOT the time.

Anyway, on to happier things:

A sound hear-hear to MaxTheVool’s cheer about Michelle’s escape plan. I was impressed with how she handled her situation; so much more together than her cracked-up husband.

And, finally: WHOOT! on FA-18s! This is the first season I’ve watched, but the fighter planes just shocked the pants off me.

She told Kim that Chase would never leave Field-Ops for her right after Chase had asked Kim if it would help things if he left Field-Ops. She claimed she was just trying to be a good friend (to Kim), but you could tell she just wanted a deposit from the Chase bank for herself. She’s a jealous bitch and a total social moron. Yet, I’m growing to love her for two reasons - One, she really is good with them computers, and two, given how the writers have treated the people at CTU who we love to hate, I can only imagine that Chloe’s inevitable death will be a shining moment of television cruelty . . .

DaLovin’ Dj

One can only hope! :smiley: Perhaps she will injest a bit of the bio-toxin?