24: Season 4: Episode 11 (5:00pm - 6:00pm)

Boss: “Edgar, do something!”
Edgar: “Okay, try control-alt-delete”
Curtis: “Nothing”
Edgar: “How about shift control-alt-delete?”
Curtis: “Solitaire just came up.”
Edgar: “Okay, try putting the red jack on the black queen.”
Curtis: “WHO you calling a black queen?!”
Edgar: “Just do it!”
Curtis: “Okay, now it’s beeping.”
Edgar: “Type your mother’s maiden name.”
Curtis: “Okay, now the reactors are shutting down.”
Edgar: “Great!”
Curtis: "Wait… wait! Now it’s saying, ‘Do you want to sign up for MSN?’ "
Edgar: “ABORT! ABORT!”
Curits: “It’s too late.”
Edgar: “Miss Driscoll, you’d better call the president…”

Didn’t he just take back the phone the guy took from him in the first place?

No, he’s a Computer Guy.
Tomorrow it will be “Why is my Quicktime still broke?”

Since no one else is discussing the preview for next week:

(all my spoiler tag contains is info from the preview and my speculation, I have no other knowledge, so it’s safe to view if you watched the preview.)

What the HELL was that giant thing Jack found!!! And now we find out why Maya died, so Tony can be back as head of CTU (only the interim head, but still, quite a step up from being imprisoned for treason.) Hmmm…maybe Jack planned this all along. We know he hated Driscol, so he somehow got Maya to kill herself, knowing that she would do so after he got Tony back. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, back to that giant freakin machine. For some reason, without any justification, I’m thinking huge EMP machine. Take down all the electronics in half of LA, including LAX, perhaps? Not as big as 100 nuclear meltdowns, but maybe it is a threat, like
“we have 100 more of these EMP devices in major cities. The economy will collapse, there will be panic, unless you praise Allah.”
I don’t know, just a guess. Although whatever it is, it has Jack screaming like Hell. Maybe a giant Tesla coil? Swet! it will be like Command and Conquer: Red Alert!

Quite funny. Bravo.

On another note, Audrey’s husband obviously missed the “things never to say to Jack” memo.

(sneer) “You’re bluffing.”

I think Audrey is definitely reconsidering, having seen Jack’s full badass side, probably something she’s never had the opportunity to see. Paul was stupid anyway for not answering.

Another hour, a few more CTU strike team / security team deaths. Next season (if any) we should keep count.

President still flying, still no mention of where he’s coming from or going to. I guess at this point they probably are just staying up there to remain safe, as someone said a few weeks ago. But it would be nice if they at least made some mention of that, or said something about being able to land now that the meltdowns are stopped. I’m glad I’m not the only one bothered by it.

Go Black Bauer. Just like Jack, thoroughly tortured and a few minutes later kicking ass.

Even though it was totally unbelieveable, I was still at the edge of my seat when they were down to the last second with the meltdowns. The story might be bad, but they tell it really well.

Oh, definitely! When he first said, “You’re bluffing”, I actually said out loud, “No no no! Don’t ever say that to Jack!!!”

I’m starting to think that maybe the Prez just likes Air Force One so much that he decided to have the Oval Office redecorated to look like the interior of the plane – complete with window ports. He’s really in the White House.

(And the interns are now required to dress like stewardesses) :smiley:

I was the total opposite. I felt the whole saving the reactors scene was anti-climactic. Maybe it is because Edgar is so invincible at this point, I just knew he was going to save the day once again.

Oh sure, Paul was stupid. But Jack did himself no favors either:

Jack: Tell me about the house at 245 Madeup Rd!
Paul: I have no idea. My lawyers handle to details of corporate mergers.
Jack: I don’t believe you!!! ZZZZAAAAPPPP
Paul: It’s true! I can’t be expected to remember every piece of property in a multi-million dollor corporate takeover deal!!
Jack: sticking fingers in ears I can’t heaaaaaaar you. Lalalalalalal.

No wonder Audrey’s gonna leave him.

True dat what Trion said. Jack definitely has just a small amount of baggage. I think most women would be freaked out to see thier ex being tortured. That being said, you would hope that she would come to understand why Jack has to be so forceful in such situations. I think trusting someone he loved once got him in some trouble…

Nice to know a suicidal schizoid can get hold of sharp instruments anytime she wants. The actress playing Erin Driscoll (who’s second career film is listed here, btw - nothing like a little soft-core porn to kick off the career!) should be racked up by Torture Guy for lack of emotional range.

Maybe Edgar and Erin, bonded by the grief of their respective losses, will hook up in the broom closet at the end of next week’s episode, making for arguably the most disgusting moment in ‘24’ history.

The previews totally confused me, and I guess thats the point - I’m dyin to know what happens next week.

And while I remain convinced Audrey is somehow a baddie in this, my bad guy radar is really perking up now w Tony. Something happened in prison or since he got out - he’s gonna turn here pretty quick, I can feel it.

Well why would the infirmary for a super-secure anti-terrist center have LOCKS on the door? :rolleyes:

You know those CTU doctors were all like “shit…I should be disecting terrorists living brains and mixing truth serums, not dealing with this crap.”

More lines left out of the show:
Terrorist Henchman “I don’t have access to the floor!!”
Curtis [Cracks him on the head knocking him flat] “Now you do motherfucker!!”

I think I’ve already seen her in that one! :stuck_out_tongue:

What I really realized last night is how cheaply 24 is made. There’s one set of costumes for the whole season (except that SecDef and Daughter changed into prison clothes at one point). The CTU set is dismal, with no lighting to speak of. The phone ring has been the same for four seasons now, so they haven’t changed telephone equipment. They rented an empty floor of a generic office building for the Curtis Escapes scenes and another floor or part of a floor with cubicles for the Finding Marwan scenes. I think a lot of the acting is bad because the producers skim the bottom for cheap talent. Sometimes they luck out, but mostly the acting is pretty much Meh! (Exceptions: Devane & Aghdashloo this season.) And then we have various scenes of Jack driving around and yelling. Oh, yeah. . . and the torture. Come on now, even the torture was cheap last night! A stupid hotel lamp cord???

SecDef Daughter and Estranged Hubby will definitely bond over the torture business. (She did scowl at Jack, didn’t she?)

And the shutting down of the runaway reactors was definitely underwhelming.

So, they better ratchet up the excitement a bit or this season might just be called 12. (But I still like it!)

It is indeed a giant EMP device…and the ones setting it off are the heads of the defense corporation from whom the nuclear override was stolen.

It’s almost like the clinic at CTU doesn’t know what CTU actually does. Maybe they think they’re working for Cybernetic Technology Underwriters.

“Why is everyone so stressed out?”
“Hey, come down to the clinic. How busy can you possibly be?”
“Security? Restraints? We hand out aspirin here!”

Not likely. “And the Starbucks Gift Certificate and special parking space goes to…Edgar!”
“What? I was tortured! Don’t I at least get the sympathy vote?”
“Sorry, but while you were pleading your innocence, Edgar stopped over 100 meltdowns and flushed out the mole, all while listening to his mother’s death rattle over the phone. Better luck next month!”

Why do they even have a clinic with that many nurses or medics or whatever? Is it part of the Employee Torture Eventuality benefits plan?

I mean how many patients would they get per day, anyways?

I love it! I think some of us should team up and take over the dialog writing for the show. :wink:

I’m still convinced that we’re going to find out the Prez was just bored that day, and except for his video conferences with the Audrey’s dad, he’s just flying the friendly skies, rubbing his hands together with C. Montgomery Burnsian glee at all the chaos he’s created. “Made you look!”

Or not.

My TiVo failed to record last night’s episode due to some kind of problem with the satellite signal. Could anyone give me a good summary or point me toward one so I’m not lost next week?