24: Season 4: Episode 17 (11:00pm - 12:00am)

He won’t buy it. Jack hasn’t taken a whiz in 4 years.

Jack will make you one out of the seat belt.

Chloe will find out this is a lie and make fun of your mother.

He’ll use your projectile vomiting as a weapon against the enemy.

Jack will cut off your head with a hacksaw.

See #4.

Jack will stick a towel down your throat and rip out your stomach first.

Well, I used to like this show but now it is starting to get to be a little bit of a stretch.

The president has the individual launch codes for thousands of nukes? Why? He’s going to launch them one at a time? Directly? There are no humans there to turn the key to activate, then press the button to launch? Everything is automated? Well, I guess that just shows you how deep those defense cuts went.

And next week - during the middle of a terrorist attack - they are shipping an intact, live nuclear warhead - with just one or two CTU redshirts or two GI’s in a humvee? Not breaking it into pieces, shipping them separately and not sending the second or third elements until the first is confirmed received safe?

Let’s see now - Imhotep knew that there was a device to control remotely and absolutely all nuclear powerplants, how to use to it and when and where it was being shipped, he knew enough about the Sec of Def schedule to successfully kidnap him, he apparantly knows more about cellphones than AT&T, MCI, Cingualr, Verizon, Motorolla combined, knew which pilot had a sort of miraculous clearance to take an F117 at will, (not to mention equipping it with an active radar and offensive air to air missiles - it’s really a bomber, not a fighter) and that the same pilot would to want to fool around on his wife, and could predict where the President’s plane would be after it set the world’s endurance record, predicted where it would crash, where the debris would fall, and knew the transponder code to find the football. I assume he knows what to do with the codes - do you call a phone number, send an email, or what? And I bet next week he will figure out where that nuke is being Fed Ex’d. Let’s face it - he should give up this terrorism crap and go make a real killing on Jeopardy.

Now Jack is having to work at his relationship with his whinning girl friend - how far can you fall?

I liked it much better when Jack’s daughter was running around everywhere without a bra, and he was saying things like “…shoot him again…”

Fucking A hell yes.

I don’t know why they needed this elaborate plot.

I mean, hell, Marwan can apparently teleport. All he had to do was teleport somewhere, grab the nuke, and teleport out. He could have popped up and knifed the Prez while he was at it…

-Joe, can’t be in 20 places at once like Marwan

Hey pal, can we have some help here instead of all the negative waves?

It could be any one of us who is

a) Sitting on the couch watching TV
b) Necking in the back seat of a white Impala with a real babe
c) In a bar watching to see if that damn stuffed monkey really moves or not
d) at a backyard barbecue

When Jack

a) Calls on the cell
b) Ties a note to the dog’s collar
c) Sends up smoke signals
d) Calls collect from Pago Pago on the land line

And says, “Terrorists left/lost/forgot/hid…”

a) An atomic bomb
b) Nuclear missile codes
c) the First Lady, naked
d) a rabid wombat

a) In your shower stall
b) In your trunk
c) Behind the fire hydrant in front of your house
d) Stuffed in your shorts

“I want you to”

a) Attack the terrorists with a plate of cold vermicelli
b) Run like hell
c) Paint your credit card PIN on your driveway so I can see it from the helicopter
d) Sacrifice your child.

Get with the program Pal. We need a plan.

Good gad.

I got the impression that Jack didn’t have the code to get into the case until that point – didn’t he get a call from CTU and they sent it to him just then? Or did I dream it?

If Marwan only wanted the playbook, why did he need to get the control board from the wife once he’d captured Jason?

And I knew Marwan was pulling a Captain Barbosa on Jason – “I promise I won’t kill you.”

Jason, haven’t you SEEN “Pirates of the Caribbean” yet?!!
Marwan: “Arrrr! I be keepin’ me word. I won’ be killin’ ye. My henchman will do the honors. It was you who failed to specify who else ye’d not permit to be killin’ ye!”

I did like the “race against time” suspense in this one – seemed to harken back to earlier seasons of 24. Jack trying to get there in time to save the day.

The primary flaw I was annoyed at on this plot point was how Jack and buddy were supposed to be the first ones on the scene? When the plane first crashed, they started mobilizing more local units – surely there would have been a closer unit that could have gotten to the “football” site before Jack, who had to fly there from LA in a chopper. They tried a quickie explanation from Tony, “We’re already overstretched as it is!” – but if that nuclear football was that ALL-IMPORTANT, you’d think they would take a closer unit and divert them any-the-hell-ways.

And I knew the agent with Jack was toast, but damn! He didn’t even last 30 seconds from getting off the chopper!

He seems pretty unsure of himself.

“Okay, Veep. Your show, now.”
“Er… do I haaaaaave to run the country?”

Seems like the whole 25th amendment thing is a bit harsh here, too? I mean, the Prez is alive, but obviously not able to run things at the moment. Can’t the Veep just run things as Veep for the time being? without being sworn in as Prez officially? I thought the amendment business was in the event that the Prez was pretty much permanently incapacitated.

I don’t recall the 25th amendment having to be invoked when Reagan was shot, for example – and clearly he wasn’t in any condition to carry out presidential duties that day, in the hospital. I would think that the Veep would just run things until he’s better…

The 25th Amendment wasn’t invoked when Reagan was shot. That was a big issue. There were a lot of problems with that. Subsequently, Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton all signed over temporary power to their Veeps when they underwent surgery and were put under anesthesia.

Yes, he called CTU and got it from Audrey very quickly. There was no apparent reason he couldn’t have just asked for it sooner.

Look, there’s a reason this man is Vice President: he clearly has no drive, ambition, or leadership skills. :wink:

Imhotep. Is that where I recoginze Marwan from? I like the nickname.

Jeez, “24”, is it your mission to see how much you can ask us to suspend reality? There aren’t going to be any survivors of a 747 which loses ALL of its engines at whatever altitude they mentioned (I think it was well above 5,000 ft). Then CTU sends a grand total of 2 people on the most important mission they have-- to retrieve the football. And I can’t get my cell phone to work on a good part of the stretch between here and San Francisco, but cell phone in “24” work in the middle of the Mojave Desert…

I must say, I’m not really very bothered that CTU is only sending Jack and cannon fodder out on missions now. Just think of how much more efficient they’re becomming. :smiley: After all, when the only one they need on important missions is Jack, they can send the red shirts out to do less important things.

I had gotten the impression that CTU didn’t have it yet – that perhaps Jack had asked for it earlier, and they were working on it…

At least they had the Camping Couple trying to move around to see where their cell phone would get service – out at the debris site.

Of course, as soon as they were on the run, and in the old building, the phone was always in service range… heh.

And yes – before being resurrected as Marwan, he rose from the grave and fought Brendan Fraser a couple of times…

:::sigh::: It’s just not 24 without Kim running… and bouncing… and running…

Run, Kim, Run! :smiley:

Good thing Captain Jack Bauer came to the rescue. Next episode I bet he’ll try to parlez.

I’ve been willing to suspend a *lot *of disbelief thus far, but I draw the line at Air Force One breaking up in mid-air, spreading flaming wreckage across the desert, and the camping woman sleeps through it. And camping hubby gets up because he thinks he heard something that **may **have been an explosion.

“Oh, look honey. There’s flaming aircraft debris 20 meters from the tent. I told you I thought I heard something” :dubious:

Jeeesz… a dripping tap keeps me up all night!

Could anyone give me a summary, I missed this one due to a concert.


My name is federal agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my life.

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