24: Season 4: Episode 20 (2:00am - 3:00am)

Does anybody else want Marwan to win? I realized that I actually want the bomb to go off. It would be really unexpected. Or at the very least have President extradite Jack to the PRC. Or better yet, have his little incident start WWIII!

I was waiting for Jack to demand a saw.

That would be an interesting twist.

Day 5 could start off a few years in the future with Jack as a Mad Max type roving the ruined landscape.

Tony: “Uh, yeah… welll… the White House kind of outranks all of us little peons.”

Palmer: “Muuuuhahahaha! Now that I’ve really sunk this Presidency by pissing off the Chinese, maybe I can get elected again!”

Prez Logan: “Let’s see… red seven goes on the black eight… black queen on red king…”

Jack: “Audrey, I just wanted to know if you were still trying to decide between me and Paul…”

Chloe: “Psycho psycho psycho psycho psycho psycho psycho psycho MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!”

The only fitting end for this season (series?) would be for Jack to be sent to China to assasinate the President of China and set off the nuclear bomb that he recovers from Marwan’s crew before leaving.

Jack then returns to the States, tracks and kills Marwan, officiates at the second wedding of Tony and Michelle (a double wedding with Kim and Chase), resurects his wife from the dead during the ceremony, then gets voted in as the President of the USA after the current guy bites the dust and President Wuss takes a job sewing women’s panthose.

Oh, c’mon, let’s not get ridiculous.


I thought that Jack and Curtis had called ahead and that medical staff was going to be READY for their arrival. Shouldn’t they have moved Paul to… oh, I don’t know… a real hospital, like hours ago? after his first surgery?

Who else thinks Edgar and Chloe are going to be banging back in the server room before this day is over…? :smiley:

Cue Chloe’s new theme song:

Psycho Killer,
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far
better Run run run run run run run away
Psycho Killer,
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far
better Run run run run run run run away

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh…

Chinese Guy: “The Consul is dead! He was killed when armed men attacked the consulate!”

Palmer: “What? Our guys were only using tranquili… er… I mean, my deepest condolences to you and your people!”


Chloe: “Screw me you fat bitch”

Edgar: “Alright…but only to spite you”

Bring me a bucket.

First point, me too.

Second: they were going to transport him to another hospital. It’s only been a couple of hours! :slight_smile:

Let’s see - maybe Pres Palmer could have told the red menace types that

A) a Chinese citizen was involved with the terrorist group that has sabotaged nuclear reactors leading to thousands of deaths

B) the same denizen of the Middle Kingdom has nuclear weapon information that he has shared with the terrorists

C) he may have information on where to find the bad guys and bomb, which is due to go off in a couple of hours

D) the People’s Republic is giving him sanctuary and denying the US access to him, thereby protecting the terrorists and making the attack more likely

E) sheltering this nuclear nerd will be considered evidence of PRC’s support of the nuclear attack

F) the US will respond appropriately

By the way, nice way for Jack to get rid of that pain in the ass ex-husband. How did he plan it that well? But it looks as if the girl friend will have a bug up her ass about it for a while.

I would have liked it better if Chloe had re-loaded and put another dozen or so rounds into the guy - maybe a good kick too.

Or Chloe shooting him in the eye at close range while spitting “upload THAT”.


Anyone else think that Jack has 0% chance of any more nookie from the gorgeous Audrey? :smiley:

Seriously, though, if anyone has an MPEG of last week when Chloe was splattering the bad guy, I could get rid of all my porn.

Wile E. – please don’t discuss the previews for next week unless you spoiler box them. Some of us feel the previews give too much away and we don’t care to know anything about them. Thanks.

Only one doctor? I call shenanigans.

Next Week on 24:

Doctor: He’s awake know. He can answer question, but be brief.

Jack (to translator): Ask him where Marwan is.

Translator: {A phrase in Chinese I don’t understand}

Chinese Guy: {A phrase in Chinese I don’t understand}

Translator (to Jack): He says Marwan is in this nightclub…