24: Season 4: Episodes 23-24 (5:00am - 7:00am)

Always bet on black!

This would have been a lot more wrenching if the idiots hadn’t SHOWN the scene with Jack holding a gun on Tony and Hot Terrorist Babe in the previews from last week.


Weak Agent cracked…


That’s it, Prez Wussy has to go.

I’m gonna resurrect Sherry Palmer and set her loose.

David Palmer is the freakin’ man.

Hmmm. I wonder if this season will end with Jack being kidnapped by the Chinese and transported to China. Frankly, I’m a bit baffled. With a nuclear missile bearing down on some unknown city, I don’t see why the writers need to amp up the suspense. (Nor do I see why they’re including this bit with the pardon for HTB. Especially because a well-written pardon shouldn’t include past acts of terrorism.)
They’ve got a lot of wrapping up to do in an hour if they want to tie up the Chinese loose ends AND have time for Jack and Marwan to have their climactic duke-out in some rain-soaked street.

[spoiler] Marwan’s pretty spry considering Jack busted a cap in him two hours ago.

Ooh – sparking richochets. We know they don’t really do that.

Jack should have known he couldn’t hold on to Marwan – for the last 24 hours, he’s been teflon.



Why couldn’t we get action like this all season?

I give Marwan a 9 on the approach, but he totally blew the landing.

Nice puddle of blood, though.

Because every veiwer’s heart would have exploded “hours” ago.

This episode is pretty cool, and has mostly made up for a lot of crap. But I just don’t get Chinese story line. Is the Chinese Government THAT unreasonable that the POUS couldn’t say, “look, Yun, I’ve had a rough day, I’m not even the real President. I’m not sure if you’ve heard or not, but we’re kind of under a massive terrorist attack, and at the moment a nuclear warhead is less than 1.5 hours from landing in one of our largest city. We’ve already had a train explode, Air Force 1 was shot down, a power plant went critical, and our secretary of defence was taken hostage. Do you think you could cut us just a little slack?”

Nick of time, eh?

Uh, guys? There’s still about 40 minutes left.

Oh my God! It’s Zombie Marwan!!

Is what Jack said about the warhead true? It won’t detonate unless it reaches its target, even if it is shot down with another missle?

Maybe they are setting up next season

with an escpe from a Chinese gulag.

Yeah, I have a sneaking suspicion that Marwan is going to come back as some sort of Egyptian god with incredible mystic powers–mostly involving sand and scorpions.

It’s about the only true thing this season.
Might be some radioactive material spread around, though. :slight_smile:

And the missles target is…wait for it… Los Angeles!!!

What a frikkin’ surprise! Do the people who write and produce this stuff even know that there are people in other parts of the country?

Wotta’ riot. Los Angeles - center of the known universe. Repository of all that is good and worthwhile on the planet.

Rolling on the floor L-A-U-G-H-I-N-G!!!

Oh, and President Wuss…

“This administration doesn’t condone murder. Is that clear?”
wink wink nudge nudge

Anybody buy that one?