24: Season 5: Episode 13 (7:00pm - 8:00pm)

Oh, and I loved it when we got the Chloe we know and [del]hate[/del] [del]tolerate[/del] love back!

“And what is it with you and breathing? Is that your solution to everything?”

No, I agree it didn’t look much like her. The reason why I thought it might be was because of the IMDb listing, and because it was a very Mandy like entrance into the plot.

C. Thomas Howell is twenty years older than Kim Bauer? Damn, I feel old… :eek:

I liked that one exchange between Audrey and Jack:

Audrey: Are you okay?

Jack: No.
Simple, and to the point. :smiley:

Red Shirt: "Okay…in one room we have Jack Bauer, his daughter, his ex girlfriend and Chloe…Buchanans safe in his office…Tony’s in medical…and I should be ok in here with the disgraced former CTU head who inadvertantly ca…ahhhh CRAP!!!

Homeland Security is taking over? God, I hope Mike Brown shows up and goes out on a mission with Jack.

Jack: Great job, Brownie! Get on your knees.

It was a nice homage to Shelly Winters’ and the swim team-taught breath-holding ability she displayed in the Poseidon Adventure.

So, is Tony really dead?

I immediately thought of that too. Poor Mrs. Rosen!

This sounds dumb even as I’m saying it, but for some reason, seeing Tony die in this episode suddenly gave me the creepy feeling that this is 24’s last season. I know that under Jack, bad-asses come and bad-asses go, but…this was Tony.

Seeing Jack cry in the middle of the season also seems like a bad omen to me.

VP Dugan. Except now, he has a pair.

Unfortunatly, he looks and sounds too much like Logan for my tastes. Imagine the photo-ops.

I kept thinking.

“Wait, why does Lynn have to die when he has a red shirt he can order to his death? It always worked for Kirk”

Also, I’d stay out of Jack’s way for the next few hours. He just had his best friend die(maybe, hope not), his daughter is probably already caught in a cougar trap down the hall, and he’s been stuck in a room for the last hour with no one to kill or torture. That’s a dangerous combination in Jack. We’ll be lucky if he doesn’t snap the neck of the first hapless red shirt he comes across just to relieve the tension.

Though he almost killed Bread boy(and I don’t blame him).

Also, now we know where Jack learned how to come back from the dead. One minute Henderson’s nervous system is “fried”, the next he’s running out of CTU.

And God help them if they try to set up a perimeter.

I know what you mean.

Also, Jack seemed really hurt by Tony’s death.

For some reason I keep thinking of Casablanca where Louis says “If I were a woman, I think I should be in love with Rick”.

I’ll just say this now. I think my dream may be coming true: Evil Jack.

He’s lost his family, friends, Palmer… the producers are systematically destroying his entire support structure. Think about it. One week, there’s a snap and we have the next Angel. Sweet.

A man can dream…

Angel… the vampire with a soul? Or am I missing another obvious reference?

Angel’s season two villainy on BTVS was, to me, truly remarkable TV. To allow a major heroic character to go so bad, so fast was really great stuff. I think a similar swing for Jack would make for some satisfying television.

I’m not sure if it means anything yet, but Tony’s Profile on the 24 page at Fox.com doesn’t have a big “Deceased” stamped on it, like every other big character who died during a season has.

Not yet, anyway.

They might not have updated it yet, or maybe he’s not “dead” yet.

Ah, I see what you mean. I was thinking of “pushed-too-far Angel” from season 2 of his own show, when he locked all the Wolfram & Hart lawyers in the wine cellar and let Darla and Drusilla slaughter them all.

I doubt Jack Bauer would go bad, but if he did, they’d have to call in the JLA, the G.I. Joe team, and the Authority to stop him. Seriously.

100% certain Tony is not dead. How do we know? Because there was no silent countdown.
And no way in HELL that was Mia Kirshner. The character’s name is “Colette”.

And, aside from the weird business with the “airlocks” and so forth, which was typical 24-verse gobbledygook, this was an awesome episode. I can’t WAIT for the Homeland Security people to start trying to replace Chloe. And Curtis. Not to mention Jack. Good luck with that.