24: Season 5: Episode 14 (8:00pm - 9:00pm)

Damn, what action movie is the NOC list from? That’s killing me! Is it Sneakers?

Well, Jack still outranks her, and without Jack there is no show. He’ll be one of the last to die.

Mission Impossible

Right. Too bad I hated that movie, except for the opening sequence where the original team was taken apart. That’s the only part that paid homage to the show (which ruled) – I don’t know what the rest of that movie was about.

Do I get credit for posting this last week?

True, CTU would be hard pressed to do something this smoothly without leaking the information but those well-organized and efficient Germans certainly pegged it. Woo!

I’m picturing a Mad-Libs version.

He didn’t call Jack “Brother”. That would’ve been a nice little twist.

I said “Oh, like Jack’s never heard that before!”

They’ve already provided food and water to everyone in the convention center too! :eek:

I bet if Audrey confesses, she’ll say “I was doing it for my country!” just like everyone else this season.

Which means that she’s working for Gardener, Logan’s evil twin.

My only question now is if Heller is invovled as well.

Yeah, it’s to laugh. Jack eats “repurcusions” for breakfast.

OK, hottie intel broker actually had feelings for Desmond. But no way she got the data from Audrey, unless it was done unknowingly. Or, maybe she was “with” Audrey before she hooked up with Desmond. :smiley:

Audrey, Collette, and Mandy in a hot 3-way. :smiley:

“24”, Season 6: Chinese and German agents resort to terrorist operations on U.S. soil and battle each other, as well, in their attempts to apprehend Jack Bauer. Oh, and three middle eastern coutries get in on the action, too.

am i the only one greatly disappointed by the stunning lack of death and mayhem in this hour?

i mean, shocking plot twist revealing audrey as a mole for the terrorists – or might it be the other way around? – great stuff.

but i was promised massive death & mayhem by the promos.

i want my massive death & mayhem!! i am owed!!!

I’m still wondering what site in LA would allow for 200,000 deaths. :confused:

They called it a distribution center. No idea how that’ll work for spreading a nerve gas, but I’m supposing we’ll learn it’s something that will disperse the toxin far beyond just the initial “target”. Perhaps like a water treatment plant or something of that vein.

I don’t think the implication is that there’s 200,000 people piled into one place.

What is this ‘making deals’ crap? I was expecting some good torture with at least the woman he took.

So Chloe gets her keycard taken, and she looks pissed. But how can you tell, she always looks like that. Jack saved her ass though.

I am thinking natural gas. Do they have gas heating/cooking etc in LA?

Jack’s been disappointing me this season. First, he had two good targets to torture for information, and he didn’t. Second, only “hundreds of thousands” may die here. Shouldn’t Jack be farming out anything less than one million?

How did the people who shot up Wayne’s car get past the roadblock? Nobody knew he was coming until after the troops were deployed.

I assumed the people who shot up Wayne’s car were already inside the roadblock - perhaps part of the evil VP’s evil team.