24: Season 5: Episode 16 (10:00pm - 11:00pm)

Damn, that suprised me. I guess President Wussy both isn’t, but is instear a terrific actor, pretending to be an idiot and a jellyfish.

But they will have to explain just what he was behind and what the whole point of this was.

Also, I wonder if it was intentional that Gardener and Logan look like twins. And which one is the evil twin now?

Couple other thoughts.

-Now we know how Wayne managed to avoid the bad guys and got the gun. Semper Fi, Wayne!

-The only reason he’s still alive is because Jack felt like carrying him.

-Henderson got away, driving only one of his own guys in the process. Is anyone suprised by this? He’s getting as bad as Marwan.

-Anyone else notice that at the beginning of the episode, Curtis was already searching for Jack despite the fact the entire plant had just exploded seconds earlier? CTU works fast…except when they don’t.

-I’m glad someone brought up that they would be as good as dead as soon as she made the exchange.

-Heller needs to get here soon, damnit!

-Apparently it’s going to be Jack vs. the US army next week. Those poor soldiers.

-During an advertisment for the show “Bones” they were talking about Pirates. I think that next season, Jack should fight pirates. Arrrrrrrrr!

I was thinking that since Jack was up high with the sniper rifle, Henderson’s leg would be his first target…

Hey… man… that’s just the driver, man. I’m not writing down the address, driving the car, and talking on the phone all at the same time.

Bad Guy: Okay, but no funny stuff…

Sometimes the Google Ads are just too surreal. I hate doing this in a 24 thread, but it’s selling “Impeach Bush Car Decals”. Pres Wussy-like-a-Fox indeed.

I just can’t imagine how this plot is going to somehow be reconciled. How could Wussy have been masterminding this whole thing? What the hell would the point be? How much of it did he anticipate - did he want nerve gas released on American soil? Why? Or did he count on it not happening somehow? So much of the terrorist’s plotting has been based around things not working out like they’re supposed to - did Wussy actually want the nerve gas to reach “Central Asia”? And if so, why didn’t he know Walt was in on it? It seems like working with him would have been easier than not doing so.

Also, I’m still confused by the initial attempt at killing the four people who knew Jack was alive. They wanted to kill Palmer, but they decided to make it seem like Jack had killed everyone who knew he was alive. How was that supposed to work? If they had succeeded, how would the good guys have ever figured out that those people knew Jack was alive? How was it supposed to work out? It would have looked to the good guys like four people were killed as part of some unknown plot - no one would have been able to point to their connection with Jack, because they were the only ones who knew. (Also, how did the bad guys find out, anyway?)

It is a dark time for the United States of America.

Separatist terrorists plot to carry out attacks using Weapons of Mass Destruction,
while ambitious bureaucrats scheme to eliminate CTU, the guardians of the Republic’s peace and security.

And lurking in the shadows, an insidious threat at the very center of the nation’s government…
Clearly everyone–Vice President Gardner, Russian President Suvarov, Walt Cummings, Bierko, Henderson–are merely Logan’s pawns. Obviously the entire day’s events are all part of a grand scheme that will allow President Logan to exterminate [del]the Jedi Knights[/del] CTU, paving the way for him to assume absolute power as Emperor.

I wonder who his Sith apprenctice is? Henderson? Naturally, Logan will want to turn Jack to the Dark Side…

Yeah, Logan masterminding the days events doesn’t make that much sense, I hope they explain it somehow.

I’m really just hoping that Jacks does a one man military coup and creates the United States of Bauer.

Was it a miniature giant space hamster? Does it go for the eyes?

Regarding FLOTUS’ aide - [86]Missed it by that much[/86].

Given the success of my earlier prediction, I’m going to throw out another…

President Wussy is being blackmailed by the Chinese. I don’t think they are going to forget that from last season.

This remains unspoilered due to Rule #1 - rampant speculation.

Don’t be in such a hurry. I haven’t seen the PayPal yet for congratulating you on the first.

You didn’t? Check again.

I did admit my error…

So close, yet so far…

What happens when FLOTUS finds out?

Jack saves another little girl. They might as well start issuing official CTU “My Little Ponies”.

The Homeland Security takeover was mighty heavy-handed. “Hey, we know 40% of your co-workers got gassed 2 hours ago and we’re still hauling their stiff dead bodies out of their cubicles, but, oh yeah, you’re fired.” Not to mention that this is the same organization that couldn’t show up for three days after Hurricane Katrina. Yet they’ve taken over CTU with remorseless efficiency. I don’t think so.

So Audrey signs the document in order to get Chloe to stay based on the very slim chance that Jack will need satellite surveillance in order to save the day once again. Because, you know, eeevil villiains are creatures of habit and will always schedule a hostage exchange in a large, open industrial complex with lots of opportunities for skulking, instead of, you know, indoors.

I see Henderson is this year’s Marwan. Able to escape time after time in a hail of bullets. Makes one suspect that Homeland Security’s evaluation of CTU’s competence is pretty accurate.

According to the preview, it looks like next week, Jack is facing troops, including an armed personnel carrier or tank. At last, a real challenge for Jack.

Finds out? Finds out?

Who the hell do you think is REALLY behind all of this?

That’s right, it’s Megan Matheson! Ummember her?

Unless, of course, President Waffle is really a front for FLOTUS who’s the brains of the outfit. Just sayin’. . . .


An APC or a tank? Pish posh. Nothing short of a fully stocked aircraft carrier would be a challenge for Jack.

I seem to recall references to orders from Langley in the first season, which would make CTU a domestic branch of the CIA.

Didn’t Jack call and tell Audrey she had to do something to keep Chloe around because he needed her?

Does anyone else think Robocop/Henderson looks like Richard Widmark? http://www.allposters.com/-sp/-Posters_i379806_.htm

As we learned last season, Chloe can pinpoint people inside an embassy, including hair color and what brand of deodarant they are using.

I don’t think he specifically said to keep Chloe, just that he needed to be able to download sattelite info. Audrey’s excuse to the HSD folks was pretty flimsy-- she needed Chloe for “server access” to write her report for the DOD (or is that DAD?). Yeah, right…

…and why didn’t Audrey explain what was up as soon as she got Bill & Chloe alone?

I agree that they were pushing for the veep to be bad a little too hard; I was getting suspicious of the writers, not of the VP. The only thing missing was one of those Boris Badinov/Rollie Fingers Mustaches of Evil and the Imperial March playing whenever he appeared on screen.

I also agree it’d be nice to find out what Palmer knew, along with other previous unresolved plotlines. They mentioned China a few times this morning and promptly dropped it, so that gets my guess as to where we’re headed for the next few hours.