24: Season 6: Episode 10 (3:00pm - 4:00pm)

I thought “Al Gore beard” right away. Though the terms are by no means mutually exclusive. :wink:

Well, if you needed proof that this whole 24 thing is fizzling out, the fact that it’s Tuesday and this thread isn’t even on page 2 yet should do the trick.

I suppose I’m not the only one uninspired by the whole Jack’s family is evil angle, which is so cliche it hurts, and the repetitiveness of the White House conspiracies and missing nukes.

I could have enjoyed this show for the long haul if they’d have just left well enough alone after season 2 and stayed the course. Constantly upping the ante just wasn’t necessary.

Mrs. Plant remarked last week, “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Except, you know, for Jack. This time he’s spent 18 months in China being tortured. Last time, he had to give up his identity and go on the run. I think somewhere in there they killed and brought him back to life to fool people, so he could go on the run. You’d think there’d be a point where Jack would say, “I’m asking what the country ** can do for me**!”

More or less, because Jack knows too much and won’t let him get away with it. True, Marilyn and Josh now know he’s evil, but maybe he figures that either (a) he can intimidate them into silence, which he CERTAINLY could not do with Jack, or (b) they won’t be credible for some reason.

Am I the only one who thinks that this season would benefit greatly if the MST3K gang were along for the ride?

Well I’m glad that I’m not the only one that really thinks that this season is weaker than all get out. Here’s the big problem for me: I don’t care a whit about the CTU bunch this time around. Morris? Milo? Hispanic lady who’s pretending to be vaguely middle eastern? Nope. None of you are fit to gag on Edgars poor leftovers. Chloe better off somebody soon…

Guess that killing off so much of the supporting cast might not have been the greatest idea last year. I’d be happy for Curtis to show up any time now with a maxi pad taped to his neck and a quickly ending grudge against Jack.

I’m starting to miss Soulpatch, and the way he would unhinge his jaw at his enemies.

And I seriously miss Michelle. I wasn’t happy when they killed her off.

Well, they certainly have more tolerance for torture than Morris does.

and then he realized that simply shooting Jack wouldn’t just make a investigation just up and go away.

I also did get a grudging “I always liked you better than your stupid brother” vibe from Papa Bauer, too – when he was giving Jack the “you could have had it all but you decided to be a public servant?!!” speech.

And if Grandpa Bauer kills his grandson, who’s he going to leave the company to then? Logic doesn’t appear to be his strong suit.

I can just hear Tom Servo singing to Chloe…

“Ohhhhhh, Creepy Gir-rrllll. Won’t you be mi-ii-yine!
I’ll give you scrolls and fish and tinkertoys and wi-ii-yine…”

Why, to Forgotten Girl, Kim. AKA She Who Must Not Be Spoken Of, it seems.

There was a line from someone about possibly rebuilding the family, and only Josh, Josh’s Mum, and Jack were mentioned.

Hey, isn’t Kim still alive? And she’s been married for a couple of years by now, so for all we know Jack’s a grandpa himself. :eek:

Hell, just wait until we find out that Josh is Jack’s kid anyway.

Of course! She’s running the whole show. You know how Grandparents go nuts over granddaughters. That’s why he didn’t whack her father!

She’ll show up at the end of this season, sitting in an executive leather chair, sardonic sneer on her face, stroking the fur of the cougar curled up in her lap…

Kim: “There there my sweet… we’ll get him soon. My dad will pay for roughing up my psychologist boyfriend last season at CTU. Oh yess… he will payyyyyy! Muhahahahhahaha!”

And, each year on Daddy’s birthday, making billions weekly, Kim will send Jack a bag of fortune cookies.

I don’t think he’s in prison at all. IIRC, at the end of last season, it was mentioned that VP Gardner would probably pardon Logan to spare the country the ordeal of the trial of a sitting President. But his appearance and demeanor suggests that he is disgraced, ostracized and very much alone. Still, I’m dying to know what his connection to all this is, and what assistance he could possibly be.

Random speculation (spoiler boxed for your protection):

I think Tom Lennox is going to escape from the room just in time to throw himself in the path of the bullet mean for Palmer.

Had to love the scene between Lennox and his assistant, though: “Here, sign your name to this authorization.” “But they’ll trace it back to me!” "<snicker> “No they won’t, we have a <snicker snicker> cover. No one will ever…excuse me <leaves room, guffaws hysterically, re-enters room> …know you’re involved.”


Arg! TiVo deleted the show before I could go back over it. Can someone tell me exactly what occurred with Lennox? Because I was momentarily distracted and suddenly he’s being attacked. I couldn’t rewind and watch the scene again right away because… this is going to sound dorky, but I was watching it with my boyfriend. He lives in Cleveland and I live in Atlanta and we had each other on speakerphone and had our TiVos sync’d up so we were watching together.

Nothing dorky about it, Opal --I think it’s kinda sweet.

Anyhoo, after Lennox went over Assad’s speech with the Prez, he realized he couldn’t go through with the plot, so after Evil Assistant left the basement, Lennox called the head Secret Svce. agent and told him he needed to see him right away. Unfortunately, EA was listening outside the door and clocked Lennox with a flashlight when he opened the door.

Hope that brings you up to speed. :slight_smile: