24: Season 6: Episode 15 (8:00pm - 9:00pm)

To quote Rayanne on the suicide hotline… “That’s Brian Krakow!”

(Sorry… a little My So Called Life reference, concerning the actor (Devon Gummersall) who played Brady’s brother.)
If I’m ever tied to a chair and Jack Bauer walks in and says “you know who I am”, every orifice on my body will empty, instantly.
I do wish the presidential plot was less of a retread of season 2, though. I have to speculate that it’s SO clearly and deliberately a retread that they’re setting us up for a big twist.
Oh, and my favorite “they must be doing it deliberately to wink at us” 24 cliche is now whenever anyone answers “within the hour” when asked when some catastrophe is going to occur.

Brady should totally be an analyst at CTU next season. He can be the wacky hacker dude, with mad autism skilz.

I mean, doesn’t CTU feel just a little empty without an autistic savant? I mean, besides Chloe.

So I want to know what kind of sucky-ass web browser is CTU using that allowed Nadia’s workstation to be compromised on Port 80 just by viewing some Al-Qaeda information web site?

It’s probably named after a mole. TurfMole maybe.

Ok, if I understand this right, rain man’s brother works for a security contracting company. This company apparently created the device that allowed them to access the CTU systems undetected, and he provided one such device to the terrorists (or the blueprints for them to create one themselves).

I’m just trying to imagine the genius that contracted a security company to produce a device that allows undetected access like that.

You know, with 15 episodes going by, there have to have been at least 15 individuals or groups involved in this scheme. I have to wonder how many episodes it would take for Los Angeles and Greater Southern California to be parties to the various plots and sub-plots we have witnessed, and are soon to see.

Each week we peel back another layer of the onion. Isn’t it amazing how all these people must have gotten their individual marching orders, and from whom?

Something makes me suspect the writing team is counting on our not noticing this feature of the show. Either that, or they have forgotten themselves.

I’d love to see the storyboards before the first episode has aired as compared with the ones they’re working on for the next nine weeks’ worth of expansions to the theme.

No, I don’t think the security company the guy worked for had anything to do with the access into the CTU systems. Rainman (Brady) was downloading security protocols for a nuclear power plant (I assume they employed that security agency) – which was going to be Gredenko and Fayed’s next nuke target.

Hmm, what about the conversation they had with Gredenko before that? I thought he basically said that what he already bought didn’t work (I assumed he was referring to CTU stopping the drone and closing the leak) so now he wanted something else for his money already paid.

As a fan of both shows, I have to say, great line! I busted out laughing! Which for me is pretty rare.

Ten bucks says they’re not. There has been such a total and complete lack of creativity this season, that I have no hope that anything will turn out other than exactly what it looks like, or what 24 watchers have come to expect. Can anyone name one thing this season that was truly surprising? And I don’t mean the kind of mild surprise like something that looks like it’s going to A but then turns out to be B, but we’ve seen both A and B in previous seasons, and/or B is pretty predictable. For example, the fact that Ricky did, in fact, do the right thing with the Nadia-exonerating evidence, even though the writers took ever-so painfully careful steps to make it LOOK like he was burying it. That didn’t surprise me, it’s been done.

Well, Jack bit a guy to death. And the nuke in LA actually went off.
But yeah, overall this season has been much less creative than the previous ones. Still, the presidential plot is SO IDENTICAL that I’m holding out hope.

I can hope too, I just don’t realistically think they’ll surprise us. I mean, what could it be? the VP was clearly ready to nuke the country-without-a-name until Wayne stopped him. And if he was that gung-ho to start WWIII, why would he back away from trying to have the pres declared incompetent so that he could go back to his war games? So then we’re left with maybe the “surprise” that he won’t get any support in his coup attempt? Or that he’ll go to talk to Wayne personally and the pres will gouge the VP’s eyes out? Or that Wayne will die and his sister will shoot the VP in a rage? Or that Donald Duck will fly in to take over the government???

I’ve gotta believe that Wayne (as dim as he is) will remember what happened to his brother and take some pre-emptive steps to get the jump on the VP. As much as I like Boothe, I’d like to see him forced to tender his resignation in the next week or two and then Wayne deals with the fallout from that or some other somesuch instead of a mirror consitutional crisis.

You’re expecting logic from 24? For a serius crime drama, I watch “The Wire”, for stupid mindless fun, I watch 24.
Trying to apply logic and concistency to 24 is like praying to make water run uphill - the effort is never going to match the outcome.

My first thought when Gredenko first called the guy was the same – that it was going to be about the Nadia computer leaky thing.

But I think it was that the sercurity company changed their security protocols or something, so the info that Gredenko originally bought from the guy was now out of date – he needed the new security protocol information, whatever the changes were. I think that’s the gist of it, but I’ll have to go watch again to be sure.

I wasn’t overly surprised that the nuke went off. But Jackula – I didn’t see that coming.

But really – you have to admit, after 5 seasons of “24”, there’s not a whole lot left that they can do to truly surprise their viewers, is there? We’ve gotten so used to the types of twists and turns that they are able to throw at us that we basically expect them now.

The biggest surprise now would be if Jack were to spend a season averting a terror crisis completely from the comfort of the CTU office, never in physical danger, not having to torture or kill anybody, just solving the big mystery with brainpower and Chloe’s hacking skills. But then, that just wouldn’t be as exciting, huh?

Or if Kim came back for a visit, told Jack “I love you daddy”, then went on her way without ever stumbling into a life-threaning situation or getting caught in a rabbit snare or something. That would be a shock. :wink:

Now that we’ve had terrorists from all sorts of nationalities, what’s left? Australian terrorists in Season 7? “We’re heah to blow up yer country, mate. Got any beer? Where should we put these bombs?”

He would surely do a better job than any president in the 24 universe.

Yeah, but Secretary of Defense Goofy would have trouble keeping the military on a proper footing…

I’m pretty sure the reasoning went…

1 - We were able to use our drones because we had our CTU backdoor

2 - We lost our CTU backdoor so we can’t use the drones any more

3 - Activate Plan B - we need to get ahold of Rain Man’s brother


Don’t torture yourself like that, I’ll take your word for it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought the reason they couldn’t use the drones any more was because CTU found their location (Shadow Valley) and they had to scram, leaving the other drones behind. (I got the impression last week that they didn’t have time to pack up the drones and move them, so they just launched the one that was ready, and then they bolted with the other two suitcase nukes, but not with the drones).

At that point, I think the “Nadia’s computer backdoor” was only relevant for the one drone that was already launched – to help the flying drone evade satellite surveillance when they had to switch from one satellite to another.

But plan B seems to be back to planting the suitcase nukes manually. And they needed to call Rainman’s brother because the security protocol information that Gredenko had already purchased had changed – and he needed the updates. Or something like that. It’s getting convoluted, ain’t it?