24: Season 6: Episode 18 (11:00pm - 12:00midnight)

So what’s going to happen to Chloe, now that she has crossed Buchanan again? Dare we hope that she’ll go rogue, perhaps working in the underground?

I can see her now, working out of a bar with wireless access, laptop in front of her, taser beside her. :slight_smile:

After I called something stupid for about the tenth time last night, my husband said, “Turn your brain off and enjoy the ride” or something like that. Excellent advice if I am going to keep watching this show.

Well, you like Audrey and she likes you; obviously that is more important than the entire world being thrown into World War III. What was I thinking? Never mind that hanging around with Jack is like a death sentence for her anyway. And she’s stupid enough to go to China to look for herself; couldn’t possibly have hired anyone to do that, uh-uh.

We do like putting words in Jack’s mouth, though; “You’re only alive still because I didn’t feel like driving.”

I wish they had just made a huge ending with the nukes. I dont see how there can be a climatic ending with the whole Jack and Audrey sub-plot. No pun intended.

You can’t beat whoever said up thread, “I killed the guy you replaced this morning, and I liked him.”

Yeah, I wish we’d thought of that last night. We’ll keep working on it. You all are just lucky you don’t have to watch tv with us. :smiley:

With all their sophisticated technology, you’d think someone at CTU would have heard of a device called a “tape recorder”. Can you imagine how embarassing it would be for the Chinese to hear a recording of “Hi. We have the daughter of your ex-secretary of Defense, and we’d like to trade her for nuclear technology.”

(Speaking of which…how come we won’t name some flea-infested Middle-Eastern country as the home of terrorists, but we’re willing to readily identify Chinese and Russians as terrorists, kidnappers and terrorists. What, do those countries have a history of being good sports about bad publicity?)

Really, it’s one thing for the Chinese to kidnap and torture Jack who arguably deserved it for staging a raid on their embassy, but to kidnap a high profile civilian like Audrey? Even Vice-President scumbag would be raising 18 kinds of diplomatic hell.
And I’m thinking Jack is looking darned chipper for someone who was tortured, starved, and interrogated for two years and then put in a long day of being tortured, beaten, and driving in LA traffic.

I enjoyed the look on the Vice Presidents face when Wayne collapsed. “Dum de dee dee do…I’ll just slip this back in my jacket…”

Oh come on, Jack spent the last 18 months being tortured and imprisoned. You don’t think he spent every moment fantasizing about getting loose and killing a couple hundred terrorists in LA?

Dude, he’s running on 110% Pure Happiness right now.


I rather think he spent his time fantasizing about solving the overpopulation problem in China.