24: Season 6: Episode 19 (12:00midnight - 1:00am)

“God dammit! This chip is from Ricky Schroeder’s GPS! Curse you Jack Bauer!!!”


Curses, foiled again!

Chloe to Morris: *OK, don’t arm nuclear weapons for terrorists.
Ouch!! That’s gotta hurt… They have to get Chloe back out in the field. She adds some interest to the show, but it’s too limited when she’s in CTU.

How about that Nadia: From torture cell to acting Director in what-- 4 or 5 hours?

I, too, noticed the Jack Sack, but I think he had it last week (could be wrong about that). I kept thinking… where the hell did he pick that up? Did they have it waiting for him at CTU for however long he was in China?

I keep hoping that the writers are purposely making this like a cartoon. If not, what does that say about us for continuing to watch it? :slight_smile:

Cursors, spoiled again!

ok yeah that was bad. Sorry.

Well…well, have you ever seen Doyle and the guy mentioned in the spoiler together at the same time? Hunh? Hunh?

Yep. Jack’s been in cold storage for two years, but he still has the satellite coverage for LA county memorized.
Everything I saw last night had me going “* That’s * your cunning plan???”

The Chinese: They show up in three standard black Bad Guy Humvees loaded with missile launchers and automatic weapons to do a hostage exchange, despite CTU’s known capability for tracking vehicles by satellite. They allow Jack to select the location of the exchange. Their only leverage against getting blown off the face of the Earth is Audrey Raines, and only Jack really cares about her. The rest of the CTU would cheerfully walk over Audrey’s smoldering (or drooling) remains to take out even one foreign spy, without or without top-secret Russian MacGuffin.

The Chinese had no reason to think that Jack wouldn’t have the full resources of CTU behind him. Therefore, they must be idiots.

Jack: His best plan was to blow himself up with the chip? 30 seconds in a microwave or connected to a cell phone batter and the chip would be a useless chunk of silicon.

Without backup, there was no chance whatsoever of Audrey making it out of there alive. It’s not like the Chinese were going to leave witnesses to their kidnapping and torture of American citizens.
Karen Hayes: Why does every decision have to be made immediately after a long day of terrorist hunting? Sleep on it and come up with some political compromise. How does a woman with that little backbone every rise to high political office?

Thanks for NOTHING. Thanks for making me see how incredibly much better the rest of this season could have been. :mad: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I’m just watching out of habit now. The season was basically over when they got the last two nukes. Plus, I can’t stand Audrey.

I think Jack was looking forward to blowing himself and his Chinese torturer up. He said his good-byes, and he was done. And his stupid stick-bug girlfriend was safe, so he was good to go.

(I loved Chloe saying, “OK, don’t arm nuclear weapons for terrorists.” That was vintage Chloe. Their marriage is re-over.)

So doesn’t it seem that Jack’s call to Bill was foreshadowing the fact that they will be working together soon enough? Jack calls, Bill gets canned, they join forces to take down China.

Commence Jack and Bill jokes now…

Yeah, but does Bill ever actually DO anything other than say, “That sounds like a really good plan. Do it”?

Which, I guess, is all Jack needs, but still…


He used to blow up a lot of ticks or chiggers or whatever they called the aliens in Space, Above and Beyond.

He also dated Lillith on Frasier - then he ended up with Karen Hayes.

I’d take Bebe Neuwirth any day!


His self-sacrifice plans always end up failing – he’s probably getting a bit pissed off about that now. At this point he’s probably saying, “I should have just pushed that dickweed Mason out of the plane and flown it in myself…”

These past two episodes felt to me like filler/link episodes. There to set up the next “must find the elusive bad guy” scenario. This time with the elusive bad guy being the Chinese dude.

In other random unrelated news – when I was first posting this thread, I had a weird flash on doing this current scenario with the Smurfs. Hefty Smurf (Jack) is out to save Smurfette (Audrey) from the evil clutches of Moo-Goo-Gai-Gamel. He’s currently on the outs with Papa Smurf (Daddy Bauer), who earlier today killed Nerdy Smurf (Graem). He’s being assisted by Brainy Smurf (Chloe) and Sexually-Ambiguous Smurf (Milo).

Clearly, I need to get out more…

Does anyone think that Cheng will end up tied to a chair with Jack “redressing some grievances” before this is all over? Or is that too predictable?

The actress appears to be a $cientologist. That drops her down the hotness meter a ways.

Jack’s dad didn’t want to get the nukes back to protect the company, but rather so he could trade the chip to the Chinese for mucho bucks. The whole plan to trade Audrey for the chip was masterminded by dad. Audrey will eventually be killed by Papa Bauer, and the season will end with a showdown where Jack has to decide whether or not to execute pa.