24: Season 6: Episode 20 (1:00am - 2:00am)

The accent seems stereotypical, though.

But Dr. Daniel Jackson was in this episode*, so I’m happy.


Meanwhile Former President Logan is hoping the nurses will let him have some more ice cream while he’s stuck in the hospital. Right?

I thought he croaked.

It was never definitively shown what happened to him, I don’t think.

They said he was back in a coma and there’s no knowing when he might come out of it, or if he even will.

I thought that was Palmer II not Logan.

Yes, I believe Logan flat lined in the ambulance.
Perhaps it was wishful thinking on my part. :slight_smile:

James Spader has never been on 24, to the best of my knowledge.

James Spader was only Dr. Jackson for a couple of hours. Michael Shanks has been for almost 200 hours, or 10 years.

Oh, OK. Never heard of him. I guess there was a show?

Errr, yeah. Two actually. Stargate: SG1 and Stargate: Atlantis. :SG1 is off the air after this season, but it ran for 10 years. :Atlantis is in its…3rd? season. Michael Shanks makes a very good Dr. Jackson, basing most of his mannerisms on James Spader’s character.

Did 24 get a new soundtrack? The music sounded different this episode.

Whoops – I misread the question I was responding to, thinking it was Palmer being asked about.

Yep, last we saw Logan, he was going Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in the ambulance.

So he’s probably trying to get ice cream from the mortician, not the nurses…

I had exams this week, I just got a round to watching Monday’s ep. ((But I got to watch Heroes ‘live’ though.))

Enh over all. But, the episode was made by O’Doyle’s

"Make it look good Jack"

That was the best line for a while. And obviously the context was great also.

That, and the Crash think tank that the Veep and and his staff had after the Cisco Tele Prescence was really good.

I remain amazed at how non linear everything is.

I think we are like 10 shades of gray out now. No longer black and white.

Then again, Im also glad that this season is almost over. … I think 24 has MAYBE one more season left- At most.

“URK. not… that… good…”

Finally saw this episode last night, and I think Dr. Punctuationisforotherpeople has got to be the worst actor I’ve seen on 24.


How annoying is Goatee Hipster McLongface:

“None of this wouldv’e happpened if you had let Jack talk to her.”

I wish Nadia would’ve replied, “You know what, I was following orders and the chain of command, which, if Jack had done the Chinese wouldn’t have the freaking circuit board, the Russians wouldn’t be threatening to start World War III, and I could probably be in bed about now. So shut the hell up. Oh yeah, I never liked you and you kiss like a wet sponge, so neener neener neener.”

It’s Wormtongue from last season, and he’s a Doctor now? Maybe he just plays one over at “District” (isn’t it “Division”?).

I have to admit, I thought the mole was going to be Blondie, not Blondie’s Mimbo. Of course, we didn’t know she even had a Mimbo until this episode, so that’s a pretty cheap trick by the writers.

And what’s the deal with “it’s over” between Morris and Chloe? Aren’t the divorced? She’s in love with Jack anyway…
Nadia: Rumor is you fired Buchanan.
Karen Hayes: It’s complicated.*

Wait a minute… which show is this???

One reason I’m having trouble with my consciously suspended disbelief is that none of these high-level people have any idea about playing politics? We’re talking people one and two levels down from the POTUS his own self; what would make more sense to me is that they’re all complete political appointments who have no clue how to actually do or run anything, and spend more time covering their asses than anything.

And the Jack and Audrey story line is just so meh. Meh beyond belief. I don’t know how many times I’ve used the word “stupid” watching the last couple of episodes.