24: Season 6: Episodes 3-4 (8:00am - 10:00am)

Jack Bauer has to kill Black Bauer. I never expected that to be how Curtis would end… Damn. :frowning:

It’s kind of reminiscent of when President Palmer had to strike the deal with Nina, giving her a full presidential pardon. Not something that was personally acceptable to Jack. Although he ended up having to let her go, only to eventually get his chance against in the next season. Curtis should have saved his personal vendetta for another day, like Jack did.

Another way they advertised that the nuke was going to actually detonate… it was a Redshirt TAC Team that went to Valencia – not anybody we knew.

[Die Hard]“Allah wills that we need some more Escaped Terrorist Prisoner Nuclear Weapons Expert Guys.”[/Die Hard]
…do they also need fpur more arming devices?

I assumed that meant that no one would be there when they arrived or something like that.

Heh. I did that last season too, once I started putting up the thread rules that way – was wondering if anybody had noticed. :wink:

Please, Chloe, please. Whatever you do, don’t cross Jack.

Fyed: “Now, Mr. President… Here is my next demand. There are 100 more of our freedom fighters being held in a prison near New York City – by total coincidence. I want them on a plane, also, within the hour.” whispering to his henchmen “think they’ll fall for it again?”

So now what does the U.S. do with the 109 non-essential terrorist prisoners on that plane? Serve them peanuts until the President calls back?

Actually, I was thinking that Chloe might have to pull the same number on Milo, or Morris, or maybe both.

Boy, I bet Suburban Dad was feeling stupid when he realized he’d just brought them the component they needed for the nuke they were about to detonate.

Good. Let her kill 'em both.

After the Chinese torture, there may not be a Jack Sack.

Who is around from Day 4? Chloe?

Well… and Curtis, until now.
And Bill Buchanan was introduced towards the end of Season 4.

That’s about it, so far – but I think there will be a few others showing up later in the season.

What, as the Vengefull CTU Undead? “Jack…brains. Jack…brains.”

What does killing everyone off do, lower the cost of the dental plan?

There’s the potential for Secret Service agent Aaron, Mike Novick, former Presidents Keeler and Logan (though seeing as one would hope the latter is rotting in jail, probably not so much him. We could also have Audry and former Sec. of Defense Heller.

Audrey’s other show was cancelled, so I would imagine she could be available for later in the day.

Well, not necessarily the CTU ones. But there are a few characters from the past that I hear may be reappearing this season.

I’m sure it makes Payroll Services a little happier. :smiley:

I’m the one who came up with Black Bauer… [[sniffle]]. A man should never outlive his fictional CTU agent, dammit! :frowning:

I really did hate seeing Curtis go. I wasn’t a big fan of that backstory, either - Nick-Berg style beheadings during the Gulf War? There’s no need to change history like that. Say that one of Assad’s bombings killed some of his men, or a loved one or something. It would have been a nice parallel to Fayed’s desire to torture Jack.

That said, 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. is almost surely the best episode of 24 that I’ve seen in three or so years of viewing. The nuke and aftermath really made me gasp. Jack and Bashir/Assad’s (hmmm…) plan to rear-end the terrorist contact was very clever. The look on Curtis’s face when he went down was stunning, and Jack’s reaction was excellent. And with all Jack has been through over the years, I think it’s kinda remarkable that they’ve used his nihilism and exhaustion so well this season.

“My name is Curtis Manning. You beheaded my men. Prepare to die.”

More than a rear-ending – Jack got him from the side. But yes, that was a really cool plan. Much better than waiting for him to stop for gas, then robbing a convenience store.

Even better with Jack coming out putting on the Road Rage act. That was sweet.
Oh, and another great Chloe snark/line…

Nadia: “Bring up the data on all commercial and residential buildings within a half mile and then begin a pre-sort.”
Chloe: “You mean like I’m doing already?”

Well, Jack did ask about Audrey almost first thing when he got his voice back in Hour #1. But I think Kim Raver is doing movies now. She could pop back in, I suppose.

Jack did ask about Kim, too. Here’s hoping she does NOT return.

Jack bites a bad guy to death. Jack kills Black Bauer. Nuke goes off in the L.A. area! It doesn’t get any better than this!

How terrifying would it be to have a man like Jack pulling Road Rage on you, by the way? Everything about the man screams “homicidal.”