A Happy Thanksgiving MMP

When I was a kid, my mom used to buy something called SoKreem, which was a sour cream substitute, mostly because it was cheap and we weren’t awash in $$$. I haven’t seen it for many, many years, and I do not remember if it was pure soy-based or a blend with dairy, but if you can find it or a similar product, it may work with soy milk for the corn pudding.

VWife makes corn pudding with real sour cream, FWIW.

I’ve never had corn pudding, so I decided to look up a few recipes - good grief, the variation is amazing! Some use flour, some use cornbread mix, some use creamed corn, and most of them sound disgusting. So, how does one make a real corn pudding?

This is the recipe I use:

4 cups frozen corn kernels (about 19 ounces), thawed
4 large eggs
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 cup whole milk
6 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, room temperature
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
Whirr in a blender, pour into buttered 8x8x2 dish. Bake 45 min at 350 until puffed and brown. To die for.

Read More http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Sweet-Corn-Pudding-102683#ixzz1eLKYiKiV

Light, smooth, creamy, rich. Essence of corn flavor while smooth and creamy in your mouth.

What VWife makes is kinda like gooey cornbread, with kernels in it.

So is it a side dish or a dessert? Soapy, your recipe sounds decadent - I may be forced to try it…

Side dish. But I could eat it in place of dessert! Make sure you bring it piping hot from the oven. I have it in the oven while the turkey rests and I’m working on gravy.

It’ll be Thanksgiving over there this week then, will it? Is that where I get to be thankful that we booted your ancestors out in the first place?!

These menus look fantastic, and I predict that you’re collectively going to spend the day agonising over things being cooked in time, grumbling about the relatives, falling asleep in front of the TV whilst rubbing full tums and groaning contentedly.


Oh and corn bread dressin’ made by me. How could I have forgotten that! :eek:

There are four of us at irk who work in the same department. We’re all wearin’ red shirts today. We be festive! :smiley:

Soapy I am at irk right now. I shall post a recipe for sweet N.O.T. souffle later on. 'Tis nummy!

My menu is very much not-healthy and old school to boot:

L’il Smokies in BBQ sauce
Crudite and bleu cheese dip
Queso and Fritos corn chips

Main meal:
Roasted turkey
Smashed NOT
Giblet gravy
Broccoli / Wild Rice casserole
Sweet NOT casserole
Green bean casserole
Canned cranberry sauce
King Hawaiian rolls

Pumpkin pie
Pecan Pie bars

Things I’m grateful for, in no particular order:
My wonderful husband
My son and his new family
My Dad’s continued good health
My puppy dogs
My extended family that I got to spend time with a while back
A great job that I don’t hate too much :wink:
My friends, online and in real life.

Great topic, Soapy!

pffffft - not my ancestors! They didn’t decide to leave Poland till the early 1900s, so we’re still relative n00bs. But any excuse to eat too much, right?


There seems to be a serious lack of chocolate on my list. I need to call Mom and see if anyone else is doing dessert. I may make brownies also…

Culinary Boy is making a turkey-n-stuffin’ and something involving Yukon Gold N.O.T. The Dad and The Deb of The Boys are coming over with table & chairs (important!), pumpkin pie, cheesecake, and something else.

We were going to brine the turkeys, but the buckets I snagged from work are too small, so we’re roasting bag it. Either way it will still be better than the turkey of my childhood which was dry and then turned into lasagna. (My family does lasagna or manicotti for Big Family Holiday Meals. The one person who can cook doesn’t have the time to devote days to it.)

As per usual, I’ll be working Thanksgiving morning. May this be the last year I do that. Amen.

Quick! Summon the Chocolate Faery!

Spaz, that’s just creepy… :eek: If I thought that was truly the Controller of the Chocolate, I’d have to quit eating the stuff.

This is the first Thanksgiving since my mom died, so it’s a little sad. I’ve decided the hell with the traditional turkey dinner (I only care for the stuffing anyway), so I’m making chicken Parmesan, some sort of salad, garlic bread (made with cheddar and Parm and mayo and butter, oh and garlic), sugar snap peas 'n pearl onions, and brownies with vanilla ice cream for dessert. I’m having 2 friends over for dinner, and there will be some drop-ins after dinner.

What I’m thankful for:

my job
being smart
The Wonder Pony
my friends

And this sounds horrible, but I’m thankful I don’t have to suffer through another family Thanksgiving dinner pretending that my brothers and I get along.

For me, a 2.5 day week since I am taking tomorrow afternoon off to go shopping. For clothes, not food.

My condolences about your mom. Holidays must be tough. :frowning:

I think you’re smart making the holiday meaningful to you- not feeling trapped by tradition simply for tradition’s sake.

IMO! Sheesh, I couldn’t think of the name and we had it all my growing-up-life. Bobbio, that’s the imitation sour cream I still see in the stores, in a blue and white container. Sorta kinda sure it’s pareve too Ivory.

Darn you Swampy, with your sweet potato pie. Now I want some. Did you know my mom once made pumpkin pie only with carrots? Grandpa got a whole bunch of carrots from work and mom experimented with 'em until she came up with a pretty good recipe. Neither pumpkin nor carrots are the same as sweet potato. I can draw pictures if anyone’s confuzzled.

I’ll know what to be thankful for when my sister returns my call. It’s been one of those years.

Gah! Hold me FCM, the chocolate faery’s lookin’ at us!

I wish I liked to cook, because I adore a good traditional Thanksgiving feast. I even like that god-awful sweet potatoes-w/ -marshmallows-as-topping dish :stuck_out_tongue: Actually, I like sweet potatoes and/or yams in pretty much any configuration.

Usually we go to a local restaurant that serves incredible T-day meals, but this year I turn 50 (gulp) on Thanksgiving day, so we’re going away for a few days: http://www.snowbirdlodge.com/

I am REALLY looking forward to it :slight_smile:

saje, that sounds like a great way to spend Thanksgiving! No dishes to do, no chores to worry about, no obnoxious relatives you’d rather not spend time with. I hope it’s a wonderful time for you! And early Happy Birthday!!! :smiley:

Some eeevil bastard here at Cubeville put out a box of DARK CHOCOLATE to sell for their rugrat’s fundraiser. :mad:
I, for one, won’t be able to keep my fingers out of it.

saje anyplace that offers stylish cuisine must be f-aaaaaa-bu-lous! :smiley: Pre-happy big 5-0 and welcome to AARP!

Sweet N.O.T is, IMNSHO is the Turkey Day Pie of God. Pee-can Pie is a close second. I have been informed that a chawklit pee-can pie will make its way to da cave on Thursday. Would I be a bad person if I ummm… forget to set it out with the other desserts? <insert halo smiley here>