A suggestion about zombie threads

In principle. Non-problems shouldn’t be solved.

It may be a non-problem for you. But it obviously is something that I and other people consider a problem. Are you arguing that only your problems are important?

I’ve seen people post nasty responses based on information only available a year after a post was made. If everyone read an entire thread before responding, this wouldn’t happen, but we know we don’t.

Selfishly, I’m annoyed that I create a post in my head while reading a thread, only to find that I had posted the entire thing years before. It would be more efficient to know to jump to the end and then go back, if jumping to the first recent post wasn’t feasible.

Color coding old dates sounds like a nice simple solution.

It’s only simple if there was a method to do this in the vBulletin software which as far as I am aware, there isn’t. Are you going to write the code for the simple solution?

I’m about 4 or 5 months behind on my *As The Dope Turns *episodes – what IS up with all the zombie threads in GQ all of a sudden? I’ve not been on the board much since June. I came back yesterday to settle into old habits, and then I noticed that maybe 5 or 6 of the first dozen GQ posts I read were zombie threads.

Don’t care if they’re open or closed … just thought it was odd.

We’re no longer closing them reflexively, so many of them end up with a whole new conversation going on. Previously, we’d lock 'em immediately and they’d quickly fall off the front page.

The rules on zombies was relaxed lately so they hang around rather than being [del]terminated[/del] closed.

ETA:twicked again!

I’d say “Bwah hah hah hah,” but that turns out not to be a good idea. :wink: