All animals on earth versus all people on earth - who would win?

You ever see a truly enraged cat? Seriously, I had no idea how scary those things can be - they can go crazy, certainly crazy enough to scare the hell out of you at least.

Sure have, and I totally agree. They are a frightening blur of fang and claw. That’s why I reckon that post-attack, I’d be finding myself at the emergency department. It’s still quite a leap to say the cat could actually kill you though, barring a lucky hit, and not counting the possibility of the person dying from later infection.

That’s for a domestic cat of course, not his bigger cousins.

My cats could kill me rather easily because me, being the stupid human that I am, would be too afraid of hurting them to launch an adequate counterattack.

And that’s exactly what the animals are counting on. You see, if won’t be their claws and teeth that get us. In the end, it’ll be their fur-covered cuteness that will do us in.

Animals allied against mankind implies intelligence beyond their present capabilities. The question then becomes, how intelligent do they become in this scenario? Smart enough to steal our cars and run over us? Smart enough to commandeer Apache helicopters and strafe us? Smart enough to pour arsenic in our water supply? Given these parameters, they can bench the bugs and exterminate us with one hoof tied behind their backs.

I have heard it said (I think an accurate census will never be made) that there are ~ as many Rats on Earth as there are people. (again depending on their unification and planning) I imagine brigades of 500-1000 rats (with their squirrel, rabbit, vole and mice buddies) hitting sleeping apartment buildings, killing everyone inside, and disappearing before help can arrive. In point of fact 300-400 organized (and human-like intelligent) rats could probably set every third building in a City on fire and cut off virtually all electricity on “the grid” inside of 24 hours.

If it were a sneak attack, the animals could think and plan, I for one would hail our new animal overlords

No way. Humans totally win. The only chance animals have is a sudden first strike, but then their forces are divided against 7 billion people.

Where I live now, there’s very little that could hurt me. My cat tries to kill me in my sleep he’s only got one shot and if he screws up, he’s toast. An enraged human can turn a cat into a pretzel as quick as you can say it. What else is going to come after me? A possum? Raccoon? The pidgeons? Sorry, door’s closed.

Bugs? Please. I have bug killer and thick clothes. I can also make fire and squish things. It’s not like all the bugs in the world are going to come after just me. They have to go after everyone.

Seeing how well antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and other microorganisms are doing, I’d say they’re odds-on favorites to defeat mankind, even in their current disorganized state.

“And the flames of the tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.”
Happy Thanksgiving. :slight_smile:

Yeah, but they’re not animals.

Yeah, but they outnumber us by, like, orders of magnitude.

Bring it on. I’m a bug squishing machine. :wink:

I love kitty cats but I think they are scary. The kitty cats would win. Paws down.

I think primates are the only animals capable of those sorts of things unassisted. If we take out all the apes and monkeys first, the rest of the animals should be less able to turn our technology against us.

Which side will the zombies be on? :rolleyes:

But actually, consider this: the biomass of all the insects in the world comes out to something like ten times the biomass of all the humans in the world. (I wish I remembered the actual numbers instead of just WAGs. But I think I’m pretty close.)

So really, the other animals could just sit tight and eat a bagel while they watched the insects simultaneously crush all the humans just by sitting on them.

I know my cats could take me out with no problem. Heck, Pixel tries every other day to kill me, usually by trying to trip me down the stairs.

Animals in Round One, by a knockout.

Search for the Kitty Spa on YouTube to get the general idea.

The sharks have already started the war.

I hope we lose. If we win, it will be a very hungry victory celebration.

If a whole world full of slaughtered animals doesn’t count as a victory feast, I don’t know what does. Of course, a month or so later when we’ve got no meat to eat won’t be so pleasant, but the victory celebration itself will hardly be wanting for food.

Why wouldn’t we have meat? I’m sure there’s plenty of livestock still alive and penned up. They may want to kill us so we’d have to be a bit more careful handling them, but we should be okay.

Not even close to 100% of pet owners allow pets in their bedrooms at night, though. I personally would be just fine asleep unless the cat suddenly figured out how to use a doorknob. Thus far, he doesn’t show any aptitude for it.