Allen West: sexual harassment or not?

I would have thought it normal for members of Congress to address each other by their first names in emails, even if they are mortal enemies. Is there any evidence that Mr West addresses male members of Congress in some other way?

Calling a woman by her first name is a form of sexism?

Traditionally, it’s congressional etiquette that you don’t take the podium and directly criticize members who aren’t in the room.

Of course, traditionally, it’s been a matter of congressional etiquette that you don’t fly off the handle and go nuclear when another member violates matters of traditional congressional etiquette.

The claims of sexism and racism are both obviously asinine.

I don’t think the email show’s Alan West to be a sexual harasser; or even that he’s being sexist. I think it shows him being a total pussy. Wasserman was doing what congresspeople do … openly debating on the House floor. And this gigantic tool gets all butt-hurt, calls her “the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives” and then goes crying to mommy and daddy (“I am bringing your actions today to our Majority Leader and Majority Whip”).

Pussy. Pure and simple.

This is absurd, she doesn’t get special treatment because she’s a woman, and rudeness directed at a woman is not suddenly “sexism”. If it’s rude to address someone you’re not friends with by their first name, then it’s rude. There’s nothing sexist about it.

In English, we have gendered adjectives and nouns. A man who behaves properly is a gentleman, a woman who behaves properly is a lady, a woman who behaves badly is a bitch, a man who behaves badly is a bastard, etc…
Also no sexism there.

I have read somewhere that some of the sexism claims came also because he said that she should “shut the heck up”, as in a woman (excuse me Lady) should not be talking back.

I’m not really sure I see much of anything beyond an over-reaction. Which honestly, I have totally been guilty of myself, which is why you never, never, ever, ever send an email when you’re pissed off.

And then again, If he has a problem with people talking about him (note she never said his name) behind his back, then maybe he shouldn’t make his speech and then leave the room. Is she supposed to do a quick head count to make sure he’s there, and if he’s not then what? “Oh I guess he’s not here - I’ve got nothing to say.”

I don’t know what Congressional etiquette is, but in some other bodies that I’ve belonged to, it’s considered rude to leave immediately after making a speech: you should at least listen to the next speaker. And that’s partly because that person may be responding to your arguments.

Only in context. We’d have to know if, when mailing letters to his fellow representatives Joe Blow and Jane Doe, whether he addresses them as “The Honorable Mr. Blow” and “The Honorable Ms. Doe”, “Joe” and “Jane”, “The Honorable Mr. Blow” and “Jane”, or “Joe” and “The Honorable Ms. Doe”.

The latter two cases would be obviously sexist in different directions.

+1. If you leave right after your speech, you lose your right to complain about being addressed when not present by the person following you and rebutting you.

Anyone who sees this as sexual harassment needs to grow a set.


I’m not really seeing any sexism.

I am, however, seeing a remarkably thin-skinned politician.

It’s not sexual harassment. I don’t think it’s sexism, either. Poor form, yes.

If saying, “you are not a lady,” is sexism, then what term, applied to a woman, is the equivalent of “gentelman?” Because I do not think that saying a man “is not a gentleman” would be sexist.

Well at least he didn’t try to shake her hand.

I don’t think its sexual harassment either. It’s bizarre and unhinged.

This. “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”. Especially when the person in question says things like this:

“I can’t be a sexist! Not only am I married to a woman, I have daughters!”

Obnoxious, yes. Sexist, no.

Not sexist, but DAMN did Colbert burn him.

This is my test for sexism. Had Ms. Wasserman Schultz been a man and had Mr. West said, “You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Gentleman, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!” would it be sexist? No. Ergo, Mr. West’s statement to Ms. Wasser Schultz is not sexist. As for Mr. West’s behavior in general regarding this incident, IMO, he is not behaving in a gentlemanly manner.

Furthermore, replying to charges of “-ism” with, “How can I be? I’m married to one/friends with some/hire them all the time!” does not necessarily impress me, regardless of who says it.


Anyone who thinks that Allen West is a sexist is a racist.

Does that just apply to Allen West? Or is any person racist if they think that any member of Congress is sexist?

I’m sorry but I have to ask, you’re kidding, right?
I just don’t pick up on these things sometimes.