Americans: did you know what the moon was before 7/20/69?

I was living in a cave in Afghanistan at the time and yet even I knew about the moon.

Yes, but I’m familiar with the last three years of lolcatz, does that count?

great thread :slight_smile:

Hey, it’s the best that I can do. :wink:

I will admit this is pretty funny.

And to answer the question: only sorta kinda. But only because until '72 my parents made me go to bed every night at sundown, so I never had the chance.

Of course. I was an astrologer and my pluto is square my sun.

Astrologers noticed an anomaly in Uranus’ influence, and thought there was a need for a planet that ruled intense energy. Areas in which we consciously or subconsciously seek to exercise power or control had no associated heavenly body and horoscopes were slightly off.

Using careful calculations from other sun signs and planetary influences, they computed just where this unknown force would be, and found it as expected in 1929. Now horoscopes could be complete.

However, after decades of detailed study, they became aware that the observed astrological effect was less than predicted, and in 2006, Pluto was downgraded to compensate.

No. Next some joker is going to ask “Do you know what Uranus is?” :rolleyes:

Pffth, no offense, but that’s a pretty insulting question to us Americans.

I mean, comon, what kind of a slope-headed knuckle-dragger wouldn’t know that Pluto was Mickey Mouse’s pet dog? :rolleyes:

I LOLed. Well done, sir, well done.

I had it covered early on, after the green alien chick looked at Captain Kirk quizzically and inquired, “what is this . . . thing . . . you humans call . . . love?”

Same difference.

Certainly people should have known what the Moon was.It was in that George Melies silent film “A Trip to the Moon”, and there was the Heinlein movie **Destination: Moon[/B, sorta based on his novel Rocket Ship Galileo, about a trip to the moon. Not to mention rocket Ship X-M, Rocket to the Moon, Cat Women of the Moon, Hercule versus the Moon Men and, of course, 2001: a Space Odyssey, with its lengthy sequence featuring a trip to the moon. The Moon featured prominently in the posters for many of these.

Might it have something to do with this?

Curse you, Gaudere!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course. I knew The Moon even before it was featured in one of my favorite movies.

I knew about Moon Pies, but I didn’t realize the name referenced an actual celestial orb until Americans landed there. Does that count?

I was six months old on 7/20/69, so I have to admit I had no idea that it existed at the time (to the best of my recollection). Probably because I was an ignorant American, although I didn’t know that either. That’s how ignorant I was!

That’s because they stuck all the jerks in Tower 1.

I was -20 years old, so, no, I didn’t know what the moon was. But I’m pretty sure I figured it out after I’d been born for a bit.